Sunday, June 30, 2013


     There's time to remember, no time to regret

     Back on one's life, not a time to forget.

     No placing the blame where ever it lies

     Don't search for that look, in the other's eyes.

     If I hurt you somehow, without meaning to,

     Is there something special, I can say to you.

     If love has been lost, somewhere on the way,

     Just to come back then, I just wish to say

     Grant me this moment, to call it all square,

     Good times aplenty, you always were there.

     When I see the glimmer of fun on your face,

     It really says to me, I'm back in your grace

     So now as the twilight of our lifetime nears

     Lets try to embellish the sweet tender years

     And when the time comes, that we have to part
     I'll say I love you, and God bless your heart.

      Reflections by:          George McNaughton


     I really do try to write my blogs about everything, and not just politics, but everyday when I start my morning, the National News comes on, and before I know it, there he is, making one of his glorious speeches. Barack  Hussein Obama. With every second sentence containing a lie, as though he is truly concerned about the whole world, including the United States along with it, he spins his devious tale. He tells of his concern.
     That is to say, not just about the United States, but often in a "Whole World" sense, as though he really cares.
     If this man has any doubt about the thinking and motives of  anyone else in the Universe, he certainly doesn't have any doubt whatsoever about himself. I believe you can count his Wife Michelle in on it as well.
     I'm sick of his spin, and anybody reading this should be too.
     Just yesterday he began another "Super vacation" for the umpteenth time, and this time alone, at an anticipated expense to the U.S. Taxpayer of 100 million dollars.
     Now think about this, because just this morning, a friend at the coffee meeting at Starbucks who has desperately needed a job has finally found one and everyone was happy for him and his family.
     At the same time, he mentioned that his wife, being the caring person she is, is joining a small group to journey to Kenya as a volunteer to medically assist the unfortunate poor there in their more serious needs.
     My hat off to this friend and his wife for both being the caring human beings they truly are. There's no shortage of strife there, only medical needs and food. But after all, with Kenya always having been located in one of the most corrupt Countries in the World, next to Indonesia, Who, besides caring people such as my friend and his wife, really cares??
     Barack Obama's hometown of Kenya and perhaps his real birthplace is(Since he has produced a birth certificate for passports to Pakistan and other places showing his birthplace as Kenya while sporting the name, "Barry Soetoro") Kenya,who knows?
     Anyway, I don't believe Obama's visit to Kenya is just a coincidence that Nelson Mandela is about to pass away.(Obama's Idol since childhood.) Don't be surprised at all if he does.
     So how important is it that our President should want to be there at such a crucial event in World affairs? Well, we'll see!
     Don't you think it's an oxymoron that Barack Obama would be taking such an extravagant vacation to his hometown, that is so desperately poor at this time? Also at a time when they are going to be in need of a suitable successor fairly shortly? (I don't mean Barack, but maybe one that part of 100 million dollars would buy?)
     One who would possibly be in lock-step with the desires of a "New World Order?"
     After two days of being there, I understand Barack hasn't visited the dying President yet. Oh well, everything in accordance with it's importance.
     But couldn't Barack and Michelle have just stayed home and donated that money towards helping the poor people of Kenya for a month or so?
     If my friend's wife and her blessed heart friends are willing to go to the bother, then I can justifiably say, "Put up our Tax money or shut up, Barack!!"
     I think I'm gonna' write a poem or something!
     Just sayin'.

Friday, June 28, 2013


    From the day he became a teenager in Indonesia, and the fact that he and Michelle were both raised by parents and/or Grandparents who had a  distaste for "The American way", so to speak, there's no doubt their  mentality was in lockstep with that of the "Woodstock" era people, the Draft dodgers and their supporters at the time, including Bill and Hillary Clinton. Their "Get even" grudge against the "American way" became a prophecy.
     All the signs were developing along the way, and are still appearing even though the majority of the American people wish to think it isn't so.
     When Barack Obama became President, Michelle put the handwriting on the wall that something was going to change dramatically for America by her exclamation, "For the first time in my life, I'm proud to be an American!" Race, color or creed didn't stop them from reaching the top. So why do you suppose she made the remark??
     With her and Barack both having been raised with silver spoons in their mouths, they must have been blind, not to see the average American family trying hard themselves to get by and struggling to put their offspring through School, and then College. So, what did she have to be unhappy about??
      I remember those days of the "Peaceniks" very well, because one of their themes for objecting to "The American way" was the idea that, "Peace " and "Equality" was the answer to the Worlds problems and not war. (The "taking for granted" of their freedom 'syndrome' had clouded their memories of the reason for "The War of Independence".)
     None of those people who behaved in objection to the normal way of working and earning a living, ever were "loyal" to this country and they showed it by Anti- American demonstrations, Anti-religious demonstrations, and objection to prayer. (Atheists, Agnostics, Narcissists and Greedy billionaires, all with one thing in common. The thirst for power!)
     The only way they can accomplish this task of taking America down so there's nothing left for us, is to render us useless.
     So what would they have to do? Exactly as they're doing!!
     Whenever anyone of them attend church gatherings, you can be sure it is  to satisfy the tendency that most warm blooded animals have, to herd for the sense of security or sell something, but not to seriously pray or display the desire to be there in "The American" way.
     They, the followers of these zealots, think they're striving toward equality by demanding it through power rather than reaching for, and achieving it through good old hard work and other means of financial accomplishment. "The good, old American Way"!
     Instead, they would rather sell this country down the river to the rest of the world with the illusive dream in mind for all humans regardless of whether they've earned it or not.
     They think they can do this on the backs of someone else without earning it themselves.
     The fools are turning a blind eye on the rest of the modern world where that same idea has already failed.
     The most sinful part of this is, to achieve their dream of power, regardless of the consequences, The Obamas and their Regime know already, that America is going to lose superiority through leaking every important secret we have to the rest of the world. They will weaken us technologically, financially and militarily in a way that will fool the followers into thinking this is the way to make everyone in the world equal.
     And it' not!!! Because the day is coming that they're going to run out of everybody else's money.
     All they will have accomplished for themselves and everyone else, is the loss of the ability to think and fight for themselves, as Totalitarianism takes control of the World by way of the "New World Order".
     The Obamas and the Deviates coaching them already know this will happen. But they want it to, and are in hopes of being the ones in control, not the fools on the receiving end.
     Putin, the Obamas and the rest of the so-called underdog world are happier than hell to see America's top "secrets" neutralized by this guy named Edward Snowden.
     He's only one link in the chain of leaks orchestrated by the Obama group.
     But once again, they are cleverly doing it with everybody else receiving the blame but them. They're laughing at us all the while!
     The only anger that Obama has toward Edward Snowden is the fact that he revealed the  spying information on us, the American People.
     How can that possibly be treason. The rest of the world already had it leaked to them by other means. Just another day, just another patsy.
     It's time we took the initiative to grab the next Obama defenders and tossed them ass over tea kettle off the engine of the run-away train.
     That seems to be the only way to stop it at this point. (Legally speaking of course!) Ha Ha. Just sayin'.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013



     I understand all of that! Being a lover of babies and little children, I would judge myself to be abnormal to think otherwise and to be without compassion.
     I've had my tongue in cheek about abortion at all, but at the same time there are a lot of personal reasons for having it done as quickly as it's been discovered in early months.
     It only takes a simple test once a woman suspects she is pregnant to find that she is.
     If it's done then and there at the time of discovery, that's one thing, even though I still would lean towards it not being done.
     It's love for the miracle of life, I suppose, but at that point in time, it can be arguable either way.
     But when a fetus becomes recognizable in the mother's tummy and is moving around, that's when I recognize it as the miracle of life. It's not a spiritual thing necessarily, but a natural, beautiful fact of life that we ourselves, have had the opportunity to experience.
     Watching the news tonight where the Supreme Court announced they were sending the case back to the lower court that defended late term abortions, did make me feel a bit queasy.  Particularly at seeing the joy in the faces of the women in the gallery and the laughing and applauding of the decision.
     I had to ask myself, why they were laughing? Was there anything in the process of a late term abortion that's happy and amusing? Is there something really that amusing to make a mother laugh and giggle at the thought of cutting a live baby up while it's crying to live?
     Well, I know this much, there are many people who, at the last moments of their lives, who will wish they had done things differently, and suddenly want to renew their belief in God, and hoping to be forgiven for things they have done.
     Performing abortions will no doubt, be one of those things.
     And although it's a popular belief that God is all merciful and all forgiving, I wouldn't want to be in their place at the time he reflects back on all those laughing faces when he makes up his mind.  Just sayin'.



     I've noticed lately how much he has changed his attitude toward the handling of things on behalf of the American people.
     I realize he represents the State of Arizona and their specific, unique problems with the illegal immigration problem, but I don't think he has or is, taking into consideration the fact his actions are on behalf of the whole Republican Citizenry. His concern seems to be with two things lacking: his regard to the non-Obama citizens of the whole nation and not just Arizona.
     I would guess he has retirement in his plans and isn't worried anymore about the Country, but only his long range legacy just as Obama is doing.
     In his recent interviews with the Press, he acts like there is no problem "having faith" in the opposition when they assure him of how they will handle affairs, particularly with the Immigration "kerfuffle" should they settle things for the future. "Trust me!" hasn't worked too well up until now!
     In fact, he is suddenly behaving as though we don't need to worry about the truth in what they say, since after all, they are part of the Congress and should be respected as such. Are you kidding me??
     The second thing lacking, is in the way he snickers as he's criticizing the Republicans who don't necessarily agree with the way he handles himself on their behalf. In fact he's behaving the way Obama does when confronted with a stickler from the Republican House and/or the Conservative talk show Hosts.
     Not only does he copy the "Obama syndrome" but he's suddenly standing behind Obama more and more as the President throws the rancid bait out there for the suckers to swallow.
     I hope that isn't the case, but he seems to be the laxative pill that wants to keep the Republicans running to the toilet.
     I'm sure you'll agree it's been a definite problem lately.
     There's still the question in my mind about him jumping into the 2008 election and trumping the "Breath of fresh air" Candidates a lot of us wanted to see run against Barack Hussein Obama. Remember that??
     When he tries to convince the Republicans that we should believe the President when he says, "trust me!!", well, you gotta' think something's up, and it's not his numbers! Just sayin'.

Monday, June 24, 2013


     I don't know if it was Nancy Pelosi who first said, "Pass the bill now, and we'll read it later!" But anyway she said it, and it passed by hook or by crook with the help of the Supreme Court.
     I'm talking about Obamacare. But let me tell you, it doesn't matter to the common folk whether you read it or not, you're not going to make sense of the mish/mash in it, anyway!
     No, not because we're stupid, it's because they are! Stupid enough to think they're so much smarter than us, that they think anything they handle on "our behalf" doesn't need our attention to it anyhow.
     Besides, the importance of the bill, no matter what it is, will better suit the lobbyists campaigning for the Bill rather than the Sheeple they're supposed to be representing, and since they are the ones with the deep pockets, well, what the heck, follow the line of least resistance.
     Of course they know that the "deep pockets" will ultimately be the pockets of the consumer, anyway. But they're not interested in looking "that far down the road", so to speak.
     So, between wanting to get the Bill decided on one way or the other, (because they have self imposed "Time limits" in order to go on vacation or to move on to another Bill, time becomes more important than the Bill!), it get's rushed through, regardless of the consequences to the Sheeple.
     In other words, they're missing the point.
     What I'm trying to impress here is, they have placed themselves in such an "elite" position of importance, they're more interested in the "tree" rather than the whole "forest".
     There'll always be those who will say, "It 's always been done that way!" Of course it has, but in the past, although it was "done that way", it was done with the presumption it would be done under the guidelines of the Constitution, regardless of the outcome, which it pretty well was.
     We were still a nation together under the Constitutional Guidelines as generally respected by all.
     Yes, there were abuses here and there, but not ever so divided as it is today. Not nearly!!
     Today, with Totalitarianism pounding at our door as never before with such devious, inexhaustible, Atheist money behind it, and with such tremendous determination including the Supreme Court, we need to press our politicians even harder to be more 'representative" of us, the "People!"
     As far as I'm concerned, (And I'm not stretching it by saying it,) We have the Devil leading his Disciples on this one and he means business.
     So the next time you hear someone make that remark "We must pass it to know what's in it!", take a moment to understand how "Stupid" they are to think you're dumb enough to go for it. Just Sayin'.

Saturday, June 22, 2013


     Please take note of some of the FOX NEWS moderators as they throw criticisms of the opposition in their plans for 2016.
     I understand the "Fair and Balanced" aspect of the Fox Channel Gang, and generally agree with their assessments as to what may or may not happen as the time gets closer.
    I've also taken notice of  the Main Media pundits and backers of the Opposition and their unwavering solidarity behind their Candidates. Their rhetoric may not be what we want for the future of our country, but you have to admit it's one thing for sure. It's always consistent and Anti-Conservative towards the "Enemy" as Barack Obama puts it, and they never suggest anything in criticism of our future intentions that, should we pay heed to it, would aid us in changing course due to their criticisms.
     Not so with some of the FOX Contributors or Moderators, depending on who they are.
     "If I was President Obama, I would this, or I would that" and "The problem with Romney is this, or it's that!" 
     I think you get my drift!.
     Today, and not just today, mind you, as the female Moderator was talking to a Contributor, she asked certain questions concerning Hillary Clinton and her possible run for the White House.
     As she went on with her quizzing, it became apparent her criticisms were in a way that suggested the current moves by Hillary may, or may not be, detrimental in her quest for the Presidency. Also in her supposed criticisms, she was bringing attention to the Contributor as to what Hillary should or shouldn't do if she wanted to win.
     Does anybody reading this think that it's a good idea to point out the mistakes that the opposition might make so that they won't make them?
     Really?? I certainly don't think so!!
     I must say that in taking note, it's the same Fox employees who, though they appear on the Conservative side, have these ways of throwing out constructive criticism through their ways of  questioning. that actually aids the opposition.
     Often times, unaware of the purpose of the Query, they are, intentionally or accidentally, giving the right course of action for the opposition to take instead of letting them go ahead and make that mistake that could be the deciding factor in an important election.
     Please take notice when you are following these people and you will see clearly who they are.
     I suppose you could say it's their way of "Telegraphing" to the opposition, not thinking we're bright enough to recognize their actions in doing so. I hope it's not the case, and they think it's just a colorful way of sprucing up the program, but it's just as damaging to the Conservatives, no matter what the purpose.
     Too many times during the Romney campaign, was there damaging criticism towards him, supposedly meant in good faith, but fateful just the same, and constructive criticism toward Obama that helped, rather than hindered him.
     I would like to throw out a few names of Celebrities with Fox in that regard, and it was so much so sometimes that I could almost bet who they really voted for. But I won't. Just judge for yourself.
     It's one thing for the Socialists to assume we're Dumb and don't know the difference, but it's another thing to show them we are.
     "Stupid is, as stupid does!"  
     Since FOX NEWS seems to be the only Channel that really is "Fair and Balanced" and in the "RIGHT WAY" to support Conservatives, please quit making offerings so the opposition can take the ",Innocent lambs to slaughter"
     We need them for the wool! Just sayin'.


Friday, June 21, 2013


     Because of the intended ignorance of the teachers, professors, Socialist politicians and the devious Main Media,  America has not learned about the value of the American dollar, and what makes it strong in comparison to the other World currencies.
     The "Productive" American Dollar is made and kept strong because of how it is earned.
     The Tea Party is not to be disgraced, not by a long shot! When the Obama Administration and the Socialist Community Organizers who talked down the Tea Party, they were talking done the healthy pulse of the American People who, for the past two Centuries have been the life's blood that flowed through the veins and arteries to and from the heart of this nation.
      They were the producers of the products bought and sold within and out of the country. In other words for every dollar they earned, they produced something else that not only was worth a dollar, but worth 3 or 4 dollars more when it reached the hands of someone else. Someone who turned and sold the products to another buyer for possibly that much more.
      It didn't matter what or how those products were produced, as long as they were someone here producing it. They were the dollar earners and producers of the products that generated more bucks. AND THE MONEY STAYED HERE.!!!
      But the greedy International Companies that weren't even based here and really never paid taxes to the Federal Gov't in return for their opportunity to make profits somewhere else in the world instead of here, such as JP Morgan and their spider network of Ownerships including G.E. convinced the U.S. Gov't to sign a Free trade agreement with the rest of the world, that the deep-sinking of the productive worker in America happened.
     Because of those greedy Corporations, China took the work away from the American productive workers. "The Tea Party" WAS those people.
     It didn't necessarily have to be China, either. The pain was felt where ever the work went outside of this Country.
     Remember, it's the origin of the productive dollar that is so important, and where it goes from here.
     So when you hear a Community Organizer or some other spokesperson for the Atheist/Socialists issuing slurs concerning the "Tea Party", remember what I've told you. It could be your relative or brother or sister that fits into that class of people, and proudly so.
     They were, and are, the engine that ran this Nations business. If anyone ever needed help from the Obama Regime, they did. But Obama audited their bank accounts to see what they had left instead, simply because they spoke up to try to get their jobs back.
     Keep this in mind! They don't deserve the mistreatment they got and are getting, and he's using their tax dollars to do it. Sound fair to you?
     Just sayin'.


     In 1775, America was controlled by the British Empire from outside the Country. In so doing, they were taxing the Colonies to death. "Taxation without Representation."
     In 1776, We fought the British off  and won "The War of Independence" and Benedict Arnold, who betrayed the United States to Britain in that exchange, was eventually convicted and hung for committing "Treason".
     In 2013, America is controlled by the Marxist/Communists from Chicago's Atheist based "Midwest Academy" inside the Country. (Well, okay, I guess they want us to believe they are still the Democratic Party recently referred to as the "Progressive " Party, but if it quacks like a duck etc., you know what I mean!)
     In so doing, they are taxing the Country to death. "Taxation with misrepresentation."
     Barack Obama and his cronies have, in my mind, betrayed this country to the rest of the world in there quest to destroy the true Democracy of this nation and  our 3 Sacred Documents.  Those documents that have protected us from Tyranny for well over 235 years.
     In 2014, when the Republicans win control over both the House and Senate, (I hope they will!) shouldn't the current President and Administration be impeached and charged with Treason if they have, in fact, committed it?
     There's no doubt there could be changes and updates to the Documents, because of the progress in Civilization and politics over all those years. But it's certainly not the intentions of the Obama bunch and it's Atheist Billionaire backers to do any compromising in the changing of the documents to suit everybody's taste. Far from it.
     First of all, compromise is not the word ever used by them. The Environmental Protection Agency is proof of that!
     Their idea is to thwart the use of the Constitution and Bill of Rights altogether. That way, the rules that protect us from another Tyranny would not be there at all to hinder them in their many biased intentions for our future. (Exactly the way the EPA has behaved with us in their past, dictatorial behavior!) It seems like they wish to follow that kind of foot print! In fact, they give us no other reason to think otherwise, and behave in a manner that they don't care. Just sayin'.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


     It's becoming more serious and surreal as I write. I have to continually remind myself day by day, as I try to understand the complexity of the plot that causes "intended" turmoil, it is not a dream!
     I use the word "intended" simply because, what I thought at first was just a series of coincidences manifesting themselves and would, as always in the past, straighten themselves out. In the past 235 years, it always has!
     But now, after passing it off as paranoia on my part for sometime, I am accepting it as the nightmarish truth. A factual plan.
     What "couldn't possibly happen to the Great, and Powerful United States of America", is in the midst of happening, or about to happen!
     That is, if we don't quickly face the reality of it all and take whatever bold action is necessary to squash it.
     The Devil has reared his ugly head as he has many times in the past, and is trying it again.
      Although he, and his tens of thousands of deceited Disciples, may play the role of "God believers" along with the rest of us sincere followers, please beware of, and identify them for who, and what, they really are.
      I say this because they are a relentless group of people who are non- believers in a Super Power and, as I've pointed out in previous blogs, have nothing to fear as a result. In other words, they will do whatever it takes to achieve their goal. Money and along with it, Power!
     Lying, killing or cheating is of no consequence. So they have chosen a Leader that can sell their agenda in a way that would cause little suspicion, have the appearance of something that it's not, and in a way that will convince the innocent buyer that he or she is buying something that in the end, will be glorious. But when it's too late, it will manifest itself and end up being nothing. They, with monetary control in return, will have ultimate power.
     Up pops the Weasel. Barack Obama comes out of virtually nowhere, followed by his 40 thousand cronies to make up his Administration.
     He comes straight out of the arms of  "Al Capone" style politics in Chicago, gathering his "Chicago" schooled Disciples as he arrives. You can trace the backgrounds of most of them and you'll find they all have somewhere along the way, came through the Chicago political "Ring of Fire" set up by the Chicago thugs and politicians of the past.
     They all have one common goal, achieving power with the use of Taxpayer money.
     So, what can we expect besides the total dishonesty we are getting?
     Yes!! We defeated Gangsters and their kind before in the past, and their stories of the past are legendary. They, who some of us thought of as "Robin Hoods" who lost to others of us, the common people, who exposed and convicted them as just plain old "Hoods". Sincerity and honesty always prevailed. That is until now since "we have taken our eyes off the ball".
     So from here on, we must do what we forgot to do for a fleeting moment; keep our eyes on  the ball!!
     Starting with the once obscure Atheist based "Midwest Academy" of Chicago, of which Obama was once a member of the Board, and before that, Hillary Rodham was an ardent student. (Hillary Rodham Clinton, wife of the Vietnam War dodger, Bill Clinton.)
     We will prevail, and when we do,"Pop goes the Weasel." Just sayin'.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013


     I think it's time to straighten out a few notions that Obama and his supporters have been trying to place in your minds as minorities, and where  you "fit in" with the rest of us Immigrants who are already settled in here by right of birth.
     After all, yes, we are a Country founded by Immigrants who like yourselves, landed here one way or the other from various parts of the World.
     The only difference is, the original settlers were either sent here as a means of banishment from some of those assorted, Monarchial nations, mainly France and Britain.
      It wasn't for the purpose of starting peaceful settlements on those Country's behalf as they would now like you to believe. No Sir!!
      When the "New World", as this was called, was first discovered, a lot of us Immigrants were forcefully sent here as undesirables, because it was a convenient way to get rid of dissenters and anybody who was dependent on the "State", so to speak. They were really considered "Penal Colonies" for the undesired.
      In other words, if we were of no use to them as taxpayers, "Heave Ho!! Never to be seen again.
      They really didn't care if there wasn't any significant degree of survival after the first winter, as long as we weren't in the old country with them to be a hindrance. But we did, indeed survive!
      Of course, the word got around to other people who stayed behind to eek out a living as usual. Since they were paying most of their earnings  in taxes to the "State" anyway, they found out through the old Grapevine there was life "away from "Totalitarianism," if they migrated too. So they did!!
     And here we are!
     Of course, once the other Countries who sent us here and encouraged other undesirables to pull up anchor and leave their homeland for good were actually surviving through "blood, sweat and tears",(and there was plenty of all that, along with loss of life in our new land, they decided they would tax us on the "barter trade" currency we were breaking our backs for here!!
     (Never let a good opportunity to exploit the labor of others go by! Right??)
     Anyway, those Totalitarian Countries began what you may or may not be familiar with: "Taxation without Representation".
     Hence, the "War of Independence" against that type of taxation began.
     The turning of  "Plowshares into Swords" became the expression of the day, to the immigrants who mostly fought the war in their bare feet!
     Now, what the Tyrannical Countries across the sea didn't realize was, we had gathered the most diverse group of people from all over the world who were willing to pursue and survive in the rugged wilderness.  At the same time, we realized that our labor and freedom was to be appreciated by us all, and if you were willing to work for your freedom and money, it was there to be enjoyed.
     Now, the years have come and gone and by the grace of God, we have been able to maintain that freedom and the taste of luxury for 235 years. Yes, we were flagrant with the money we earned, but there was good reason for it. We EARNED it, and we SPENT it. It was ours' to earn, and ours' to spend. Is there something wrong with that concept??
     I believe very strongly that it was largely due to the fact we were all the most willing, the toughest gathering, and the most diverse Country of hard working people in the world. (Nationalities of every kind.)
     It made us unilaterally strong. We formed an Alliance and had our Founding Fathers draw up an Agreement and Guidelines that, because of a common belief in unity, "Together we stand, divided we Fall", carried us all through until now.
     Our common purpose and flag have carried us through as one!
     With all of that, we virtually won every battle we ever fought. (Due to politics, not every war, but certainly every battle.)
     Which brings me to my next point;
     To you Immigrants newly arrived here, there's a saying: "Believe nothing that you hear, and half of what you see." I think it's fitting to use it here.
     Most of you later Immigrants have come from South of the border for exactly the same purpose as the rest of us did. To establish a better life.
     The glaring fact then and now is, you're here to stay! We all are aware.
     Nobody is denying that to you, as Barack Obama is telling you someone will. There's one thing, you need to keep in mind, and that is, to be totally aware of the facts. With most of you coming from  Christian backgrounds, but a Corrupt, poorly managed Gov't devoid of sincerity, you seek a better life here, and no doubt there is one.
      We Americans already here, don't need proof you are a hardworking race of people. I personally, can vouch for that, because I have worked alongside of you. You have fought along side our military in order to gain citizenship, and you have truly brought good family values to remind the diverse families already here of those so easily forgotten, important family treasures.
      My wife and I, both of Pioneer descent in North America, have been invited into your presence, and thoroughly enjoyed your family celebrations.
     The treatment and respect towards us by the Hispanic communitywas much appreciated by us  every time we were there.
     It was nice to see the refreshing family values being exercised among you. A good hard working Community, not afraid to work.
     You are not inferior in intelligence and actually remind us of our upbringing in Canada, when the displaced immigrants first arrived in Canada from Europe as a result of the 2nd World War. Probably a million or more, but Considering Canada was only a population of 18 or 20 million at the time, it was quite a flood of newcomers, all at once.
     As we look back, it took only one generation for everyone to look at each other as equals.(Of course there were sometimes exceptions to the rule, and that's just the "Nature of the Beast", no matter what!)
     But something in this country went very basically wrong.
     With little or no control at our Southern border, the influx of Immigrants flooded this country for two main reasons. The farmers of the U.S. needed workers who were willing to harvest the seasonal crops, and those types of workers were in short supply, due to the perpetual, industrial revolution that was keeping the workers raised in America busy with more demand for higher pay.
     Secondly, Hispanics seem to enjoy the gardening aspect of the work. Farmers loved both reasons.
     There was little objection to the Immigrant,
 seasonal workers coming here. There was plenty of work going around. Life was good!
     Then the tide began to change, when competition between private Companies began to deteriorate because of monopolies becoming rampant throughout the Nation. Politicians were encouraged by private lobbyists for various firms to limit use of certain areas and districts to only one or two companies who contributed the most amount of campaign funds for special favors in return. When times got tough they were subsidized in one way or the other, and bought out the struggling, smaller competition. This of course limited competition, and assured the contributors to the politicians of more, guaranteed work as well.
      Monopolies grew, unimpeded by, and unrestricted by our own Gov'ts.
      Monopolies became more frequent, Companies swallowed up other Competitive companies and became Billionaires from previously being multimillionaires.
      Then, Greed overcame common sense and the World Trade Organization was formed on  January 1st,1995, in Seattle Wa.
      All the World's Billionaires decided to get rid of the idea of restrictions that protected each country's work forces by tariffs on importerd goods, etc. 
      It wasn't a struggle for monetary success alone, anymore, it was the thirst for Worldly power as well. Of course, as the International Billionaire George Soros once remarked, "Money is Power!"
      In a very short time in our modern history, the expected, dreaded event took place. The billionaires went after the least expensive work forces in the World. CHINA!!.
      With no protection maintained for the work forces of the modern world by the Corrupt politicians, the Chinese country of 1.5 billion people went to work, the millionaires of the World became Billionaires, the Billionaires became Multi-Billionaires and the middle class of the modern Countries of the world was put on unemployment benefits. (That is, those who were entitled to benefits.)
     Ironically, the casual, seasonal work force stayed the same, since this Nation is continuing to feed a good size part of the rest of the world.
     The need for votes by the Atheist inspired Socialist/Democrats began, if they were going to help the World's Elite take control of this country and exploit it's natural resources, rather than having to deal with a Country that's ran by the people themselves. A Country "Of the People, "By the People" and  "For the People."  
     So now that we've explained the reason for the middle class job crisis in our Country, let's get down to why Barack Obama is insisting on helping the Hispanics who are living here.
     He desperately needs your votes. It's not because he truly wants to see you personally succeed, but without your votes he would fail miserably and so would the rest of his entourage. Especially so, now that his popularity is waning. So in a last ditch effort to save his dream of conquering the world, he is throwing everything your way but the kitchen sink.
     It's the Chicago type of politics that he's used to, and so far it has worked.
     His main theme though, is to convince you that without him in power, you would lose all of those benefits that you're getting at the expense of the folks who didn't vote for him. That left people like me and a lot of others who quite frankly aren't getting by right now due to cutbacks in our Medicare etc. We're really feeling the pinch.
     Our complaints are not because we have a racial or personal dislike for blacks or Hispanics, but because he's not allowing us to have the same breaks you're getting.
     It's almost like he's punishing us for having been good, loyal Americans who defended our Constitutional rights and freedoms afforded us.
     Once he gets his way,(and I hope to God he doesn't,) everything that has been good for all of us will be gone, and if it's up to his Communistic thinking, it'll be gone until such time as open rebellion takes it back.
     More likely than not, We'll end up fighting side by side to get it back.
     It's a fallacy that us Conservatives dislike the minorities, especially when our wish is only to be equal all the way around.
     Think about it. Why is it he wants us to know nothing about his Gov't. that he has cloaked in complete darkness, yet has been tapping into our computers under the Guise of National Security to know our every move.
      He has completely turned it around from us knowing what he is doing, to knowing completely what we're doing. Does it make sense to you?
      It doesn't make sense to me that you would leave behind a corrupt country like Mexico to find a good life here, just to turn around and not honor our flag and what it stands for.
      Why would us legal Immigrants want you to enter this country and then fly your Mexican flag rather than the flag of the country you've found a new life in? Why would we want to have you here to be able to vote, yet not swear allegiance to our country when you become a Citizen?
     But then again, why would us loyal Americans want to have a President that doesn't swear Allegiance to this Country either?

     Except for him robbing the U.S. treasury to buy votes, Who on God's green e

arth would have any respect for him, anyway. Think about it my friends,(And I do mean Friends!) Why would you choose him over the wishes of God?  Just sayin'.



Saturday, June 15, 2013


      Think about this as you read my blog: Osama Bin Laden leads Al Qaida Terrorists. Fact.
      Obama kills Osama Bin Laden. Fact.
      Obama arms Al Qaida fighters with latest military weapons in successful Libyan rebellion. Al Qaida controls Libya. Fact.
      Obama arms Al Qaida fighters in Syrian Rebellion and enters our Military into the conflict to defeat Assad. Fact.
      Now for my blog:
      Osama Bin Laden and 19 Al Qaida terrorists attack and kill 3000 American, Canadian and foreign civilians on 9/11, 2001. Islamists dance in the streets in American cities. They faced no penalties.
     The Liberal Main Media Talk show hosts quickly put the rumor out that it was probably an inside job arranged by President George W. Bush.. No proof, nothing. Just a slime ball remark by an Atheist Talk Show pervert who deliberately started the rumor ball rolling.
      The only Republican and Independent supporter of the traditional American way and our only believer in the Constitution, FOX NEWS, knew better, and quickly researched the case only to find there was no proof, and the Talk Show pervert refused to back up his own claim. He got away with it.
      But you know how it works. If you throw enough bull crap at the screen door, some of it's bound to stick, and it did. The accusation hit Canada by storm and a lot of Canadians, as outsiders looking in, still think of it as an inside job to this day. It was a blatant, barefaced lie, but the perpetrator goes unpunished.
     The CBC Canada News network picked up the negative ball and ran with it, casting a shadow of doubt and knowing that no stations in Canada were going to argue the point with them. CBC refused to recant the insinuation and defend our then President, George W. Bush. They just let the false notion hang in Limbo. Why?? Because CBC controls all licenses for Broadcasting in Canada, and has a bone to pick with the Constitutional and Conservative Right in the U.S., that stems back centuries, now.
     Although the CBC is Federally supported and permitted to control the broadcasting system in Canada, they are highly political and throw most of their weight behind the NDP Party, both Federally and Provincially. Again, Why?? Well you may be surprised to know that, although Canada claims to have separated itself independently and politically from Britain, the Queen of England did not separate herself from Canada!
     She privately owns the CBC Broadcasting Network, lock stock and barrel!! Being an NDP supporter herself as she keeps her wings spread over Canada,, she naturally detests the fact our Founding Fathers in the Country next door claimed Independence from Britain in 1776. The "War of Independence".
     By the way, the NDP Party is an offshoot of the old Communist influenced CCF party who changed their name to NDP in 1962. It was changed due to their unpopularity  in Canada and in the midst of the Western World's differences with Communist Countries during the "Cold War".
     They survived by re-shaping and "shadowing" their policies such as the Socialists/Communists have done here, by changing the name from "Democratic" to "Progressive." ("Progressive"stems back to 1948 when the "Progressive party" replaced the name of the "Communist Party of America."
     (However, If it walks like a Communist duck, talks like a Communist duck, and flies like a Communist duck, it's still a Communist duck!!)
     FOX NEWS is a firm believer in the victory of 1776, as I am too. Although 235 or so years have passed since the shellacking of the British Empire, it still has a tendency to stick in the Royal Family's craw, due to the undisputable success we've had without their "Taxation w/o representation".
     So as long as the Queen controls the News sources in Canada, you probably won't readily see FOX NEWS being allowed there anytime soon, except maybe by Satellite.
     Another surprising bit of curious news is, although she is the Queen of England, Elizabeth does not own or control the BBC news Corp. in Britain. With much the same arrangement as the Queen has in Canada, the BBC is owned and controlled by the U.K. State but is operated in the same manner as a private business. It is also heavily influenced by Socialist politics.
     The sad thing about all of that is, you may think you're getting the "straight-from-the-shoulder" news from the other Socialist-inspired Stations in both Canada, Britain and here, but you're not getting ALL of it. FOX NEWS gives it all! Like Paul Harvey, used to say,  " And now, for the rest of the Story."
     There is no comparison between the Presidency of Republican President George W. Bush and the self proclaimed Dictator President of today, Barack Hussein Obama.
     George W. Bush was a pilot in the U.S. Air National Guard during the Viet Nam crisis, was loyal to and a believer in the Constitution as it exists.
     Barack Hussein Obama never wore a uniform of any kind, always operated on other people's money, and like the "Draft Dodgers" of that era who adore him and his Communistic mannerisms today, was raised in the solitude and fashion of Muslims in Indonesia, where his un-American thinking white mother, along with his white Grandparents, lived mostly out side the U.S. and in disdain for the American, Patriotic way of life. It appears they didn't agree with what most Americans refer to as, "the Main Stream."
     Of course the Draft Dodgers of America lived their Welfare dependent lives in secluded places in America, such as the San Juan Islands of Washington State, USA. The remnants of those people are still there.
     Barack Obama recognized the weaknesses in those types of people and quickly grasped the chance of making them his "Made to order Disciples."
     Americans are learning now what I thought of him all along. He is the master of Deceit and Corruption. He takes the dumb ones once and the dumber ones twice.
     The "Titanic" of Politics has just scraped the tip of the iceberg, and if you keep your Eye on FOX NEWS, you won't be able to take your eyes off it. With the help of God and a Satelite dish, you'll be able to watch "The ship that God couldn't sink" go down.
     Barack Obama has fixated himself into believing that the only "New Direction" is Totalitarianism.
     He brags about having conducted the killing of Osama Bin Laden as though he was personally there! If the truth be known, he had no intention of killing this man for his attack on 9/11, but did see the chance to extinguish him when our U.S. Intelligence found Osama's hidden location in Pakistan. He simply saw Bin Laden as his political adversary further down the road should he succeed in taking control over the United States and take command of Islam as well. (A duel purpose sort of guy, he satisfied two needs at the same time.
     Getting Osama Bin Laden out of the way of his own personal progress was his true ploy. Revenge for attacking America was never in Obama's mind for the 9/11 attacks. He had a different purpose altogether. Obama knew that Osama Bin Laden would never have bowed to him in the future.
     He also knew that Libya's Moammar Gaddafi wouldn't have allowed himself to be governed by Barack, should Obama's political quest become successful.
     Although an Islamist himself, Obama is in search of the Leadership at the ultimate top of the Muslim ladder and will destroy any other Islamic militant that gets in his path. (It's a private war going on between Islamic Leaders seeking control.) The Atheists of the world have their reasons for backing Obama, and coincidentally, the Muslim Brotherhood does too. They share a common goal.
     He has since found a new way of eliminating any future opposition, whomever that may be. America's deadly Drone System is one way, and Taxpayer money persuasion is the other. They both work very deviously well!!
     Now he's arming Al Qaida with the same fate in mind for Syria's Bashar al-Assad. You don't think al-Assad would be bowing down to Obama somewhere in the future do you? Regardless of Obama's outcome in trying to bring down America!
     Haven't you ever wondered why the Al Qaida Terrorist prisoners at Guantanamo Bay have been treated to facilities such as state of the Art sports equipment, Spas, basketball courts, soccer fields and a first class Mosque to do their daily prayers in? And the releasing of prisoners back to their Countries of origin just to become Al Qaida fighters again? The same prisoners we know murdered other Americans in past International Terrorist Attacks?
     Would you ever  imagine Obama falling in with Al Qaida for the good of America? Really??
     Al Qaida is the Arch enemy of America, and would kill every last Non-Muslim in this Country.
     Do you really believe Our "Revered" President is arming our enemy Terrorists to the teeth with our latest weapons, solely for the purpose of saving America??
     Are you nuts or what?? Oh!!....., I know! They must have promised him in Arabic they would return the weapons just as soon as they defeat Assad! That's it! I got it now!! Okay!!
     In lieu of not being able to watch Fox News, Canadians, please read my blogs at: www.http//   
The Queen and Barack Obama will be absolutely furious when they find out what this old Canadian has done!! Love you guys!!  Just sayin'.


Friday, June 14, 2013


     I am finally coming to realize that we, as Conservatives, Independents, Tea Partyists and everybody else that still has two ounces of common sense, need to learn and understand far more about our political "enemy" than we have been attempting to do in the past.
     We, like David Horowitz has already done in his little book called, "Barack Obama's Rules for Revolution", must take the time to analyze the Doctrine that the new "Left" has been guiding itself by.
     For years, I have been on the tail end of trying to fully understand the 'Modus Operandi' of the mysterious Socialist, Atheist, Marxist and Communist groups that periodically rise and fall again in the World over the last Century or two. Islamists fall into this group as well, but in a "Mohammed" kind of sense. Despite any minor differences they have between them, they all seem to have decided to set them aside to achieve the same common goal. Take Democracy down at whatever cost, and split the spoils of war later!
     In a general term, it can appropriately be referred to as Totalitarianism. Under that term it comes in varying ways depending on what fits into the category of each one's M.O. But they all look forward to the same end. "Total Control!"
     What I wasn't fully aware of was, the extent these organizations have coordinated their different desires for the same ultimate end, and how well they have so secretly achieved it.
     Lenin did it after the Russian Revolution, Hitler did before World War 2, China has done it, and is struggling more and more against the will of their people to be free, and someday no doubt will be.
     But the latest Principle, referred to as the Alinsky Doctrine, has reared it's ugly head right here in the United States of America.
     Horowitz, in his writings on the matter of Saul Alinsky has outlined it very painstakingly from the emergence of this man's ideas.
     Alinsky was born in Chicago in 1909 and died in California in 1972.
     In the 1930's as a Sociologist, he described himself a "rebel" and his life was devoted to  organizing unrest and revolt because he felt the present system of "Democracy" was "unfair and unjust". So, in order to push his ideas, he joined in with the Chicago gangsters that he encountered on a frequent basis due to his profession. He fell right into lockstep as a Social intimate with Al Capone's mob and it's chief enforcer, Frank Nitti.
     After Capone's imprisonment for tax evasion, Frank Nitti took the reins and Alinsky was later to remark, "He took me under his wing. I called him the "Professor" and he called me his "Student".
     Alinsky was America's first self described "Community Organizer", the same term employed by his most ardent student and follower, Barack Obama! It since has been passed on to the many graduates of his College, "The Midwest Academy." People such as Hillary Rodham (Wife of President Clinton) participated in his courses. She fully endorsed his ideas and wrote several "briefs" on them. (This church-going thing is merely one of the "Progressives" many smoke screens.)
     Under the guise of a Centrist and Moderate, (Which couldn't be further from the truth.) Barack Obama won the 2008 Presidential election, promising to be totally transparent and to expose all the hidden agendas of his predecessor, George W. Bush and the Republican Party.
     But the instant he took office, he most humbly apologized to the rest of the world for all of the mistreatment and misdeeds Americans had supposedly made in the past, including the World Wars.
     Along with all of that, His wife Michelle proclaimed that "For the first time in my life, I am proud to be an American!"
     With her apparent personal success in America, she's a hypocrite to even imply she had been mistreated as a minority here!
     To me, it was a sad day to think that these two Un-American type, Unpatriotic humans were taking the reins of this once proud Nation.
     I don't know about you readers, but from the shocking moment I heard that remark, I knew the White people of this Country were in for racial trouble. I wasn't wrong!
     Barack Obama owes his entire philosophy to his mentor, Atheist Saul Alinsky. Saul wrote a political Guideline manual called "The rules for Revolution", which is an accurate description of his Totalitarian intentions. Alinsky later changed the title to "Rules for Radicals."
     Readers of the doctrine of this man might want to reconsider what Barack Obama may have meant on the Election eve with his announcement, "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America!"
     As I further read David's book, "Barack Obama's Rules For Revolution", the clearer it becomes what the Socialist/Communists have been preparing to do for such a long time. Coldly, calculatingly  right in step with the Saul Alinsky doctrine, having infiltrated the schools and Colleges of this Country with exactly the same rhetoric throughout, the Chief Community Organizers are intending to transform the U.S. to an eventual Totalitarian"" State.
     It's amazing to me, that the Federal police forces and Justice system didn't suspect what was in store for our Country up until it recently became apparent.
     After seeing the recent behavior of the Justices, I believe they knew.
     The Schools and other learning institutions have most certainly known what was being peddled among the teachers and professors. How could they not have revealed themselves?  Yet here we are, after more than 40 years of it being done in the shadows of secrecy that got them this far, just now realizing it??
     It tells us all that there is a sincere, misled, deep dedication by theses groups that the rest of us looked at as a passing whim by a few stupid groups of people. Stupid, yes. A few, NO!!
     David Horowitz describes them so well!
     With Saul Alinsky, His philosophy can be considered a different way of promoting a more silent, "Progressive" path to achieving the same goal, but it's still in it's own way, "Communism"!
     The term "Progressive" has been around in the Communist circles for a lot of years. It was once used as the name "Progressive Party" in place of the "Communist Party" to challenge Harry Truman in the 1948 election because he so strongly opposed Stalin's tactics.
     Alinsky's "Strong arm" tactics have been applied in a different way. In the past, there was no silent creeping up on the masses. It was brute, merciless force all the way.
     Although Alinsky is long dead and gone, His philosophy continues on. He intends to have it done  by cold, silent stealth behind the backs of the people, and then, once it's too late to resist, use the "Power by Force" to make the people succumb to the demands of the Marxist, Communist Regime.
     Exactly what I think The Obama Regime is wanting to do.
     His subordinate Leaders he has chosen, all have followed the same principle, have been coached in the "Saul Alinsky" fashion, and are all totally dedicated to the cause. They have all been promised there's something in it for them at the end of the "Alinsky" rainbow. They're all Godless and without fear of punishment before or after death. They simply do not believe in moral repercussion as long as they WIN! Simply put, they're Atheists and Nihilists.
     The rules of law and morality just don't exist, to them. It's the "Midwest Academy" way of doing things, It's the Saul Alinsky way.
     I would like to point something out to you here; The subjects I write about are as accurate as I can possibly make them and I receive my information from many reliable sources, including the internet.
     My flare for the pen is not the only reason I write, although in my older years, I thoroughly enjoy it regardless of the subject. The main reason I do it now, however, is because while I was listening and watching the news in the past, I was doing it on any old channel, assuming I was getting the truth from channels 4, 5 and 7.
     But eventually I came to the realization they weren't giving all of the news, only the news they wanted you to hear. In other words they were no longer being forthright about everything that was happening on the world Stage. They had become tremendously biased on the side of the Socialist "Left." It's difficult to understand, but true.
     After mentioning it to others, they advised me to start watching FOX NEWS if I really wanted to get ALL of the Political News. So I did and to my amazement, found it to be true.
     After I watch the local news for weather and local happenings, I switch to channel 48 and Fox News to get the political info I need to gather all of the facts.
     I have to say, I'm awfully disappointed with the other channels and the people I liked and thought  were trustworthy. It's FOX NEWS for me.
     Do yourself a favor. As much as you watch your favorite "other" channels, just take the time to watch channel 48, FOX NEWS for one week. I guarantee you'll thank me for telling you to do it. you can tune in to them anytime, 24 hrs' a day and get the news "Hot off the Press". Thank you!
     Now, back to the wonderful, kinky world of Barack Hussein Obama.
     Hopefully you've heard of "ACORN." As a Community Organizer himself, Barack decided to help form a non-profit Agency with that name which would aid the "underprivileged" people in the poor neighborhoods register to vote and also get to the polling booths in their respective districts.
     So he being the great organizer and manipulator straight out of  the Chicago "Gangland" area, he put the "Acorn" organization together, complete with Federal grants and the like for all that non-profit stuff. Boy,,, did they put it together!!
     However, after the 2008 election, which he of course won, all the illegal ways in which ACORN went about registering non-eligible voters came to light. Tens of thousands of registrations were found to be "Phonied" and should never have been counted. People came forth to volunteer information in which they themselves were encouraged to vote dozens of times under different Aliases.
     After it was revealed, Acorn was defunded by the Republican House of Representatives who had taken power back from the "Socialists" (Now parading as "Progressives".) in 2010.
     Obama was able to help the people who were released from Acorn for lack of funds, by seeing to it they were rehired into other copycats of "ACORN". There are dozens of organizations pulling the same stunts.
     Allow me to make one thing clear as it appears to me. They were violating the rules as set by our Sacred Constitution. They did it and are doing it because they disagree with the Constitution as it reads. So, they think they are free to disobey it.
     They are not! The Constitution was drawn up with a set of Judeo/Christian rules and established as law for every citizen of this Nation within it's boundaries. That's the law! Whether or not every citizen agrees with it, matters not. Every citizen is afforded the right to disagree with it. But NO citizen is free to disobey it. The law is, while you're here, you are required to obey it. Eg: A foreigner may be permitted to enter this Country as an Iranian and have a completely different understanding of the law in their Country,  but it doesn't mean he or she can abide by their rules while they're here if those rules contradict our laws. No exceptions.
      Our President, a half-assed Foreigner, has gotten himself elected as President. He obviously disagrees with our three Sacred Documents. But by no means should he be allowed to change them, or disobey them at his own discretion.
      Regardless of his position along with his arrogance, he has no personal right to side-step, misinterpret or change any law in our Constitution without the permission of us, "By the People, Of the People and For the People."
     Every single day, he has done all of those misdeeds without anyone's permission but his own.
     The last I looked, we had a Supreme Court here. For God's sake, DO YOUR JOB!!!
     The notion that Muslims or any other religion foreign to our own can be practiced here in contradiction to ours, is not only preposterous, but deadly dangerous. Just sayin'.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013


     Now if we count those too, using 2 children per person more by now, there is still a number of 34.5 million who are impacting this Nation's affairs. I think that's a very conservative figure, too.
     Not only that, but every year they're here, the number goes up by 1 child more for every 2 adults that are added and come of age to have babies. After all, the children born 20 years ago have grown up since they started increasing again after the first amnesty by President Reagan.
     So, knowing how inaccurate the Obama Regime is at adding 2 and 2, I don't imagine they even realize that there are Hispanics here that have already become U.S. citizens from the first amnesty, that may be qualifying for all those extra bennies, simply because they put their names on the applications that state they don't have to prove citizenship when applying.
    Now how many are qualifying for all that free stuff. I mean tuitions included? Cell phones too.
    But President Obama doesn't mind that, because he needs 92% of them to vote for his Socialist/Atheist cause in the future, even if he isn't in the running anymore for President. You see, all the Atheists running in the future need to do is lie and tell them all their free bennies will be taken away if they don't vote for the Marxist/Communist Agenda. Simple, don't you think??
     To go just a little bit further, maybe the idea of what they're doing was his ingenuity passed on from his past experience..
     Because, when it came to foreign student eligibility for him in applying for a free student tuition grant to go to our colleges here upon his arrival here from Indonesia, he produced a birth certificate stating he was born in Kenya.
     But later on, when he had to qualify running for President, suddenly he was born in Hawaii. on the same date. So which application did he lie on?? You gotta' know he lied about one or the other!!
     Somebody needs to "pin his ears back" on that, don't you think? Well???
     But let me point something out here In my observation as to what the Spanish Population is doing to get by from one day to the next in this Country, it has dawned on me we all, regardless of nationality would be doing the same thing if the opportunity was presented to us! Now be honest! Wouldn't we?? Of course we would! The problem here is, Obama doesn't need anymore votes than he's already got sewed up for the future. So he simply takes away what the rest of us might have rightfully received in the future, and is giving it to his chosen people now!
     We can't blame the minorities for taking those freebies now can we?
     But we can certainly blame him for doing it in the first place!! Until we can have a stable enough Congress to stop him, he will continue marching on in his defiance of our Sacred Constitution until there's nothing left but shreds. It's part of his ultimate goal.
     Guess what? When he has finally reached that goal, the very people who have voted for and promoted his hidden agenda are going to realize what's happened and begin to ask us to forgive them.
     Then they're going to ask the rest of us to step up front and take him and his Kingdom down, because they will have stopped getting all his free bennies that used to be free. "Wha' happened?", they will ask.
     So let's not argue and fight amongst our General Populace and blame the minority people for what they're getting. Barack Obama loves that. As far as he's concerned, the more disruption, the better. It will only help him and his "Well oiled Machine" standing in the shadows behind him, achieve their goal of Totalitarianism.
     Unknowingly to many of the American people, the more we're in disarray, the better he enjoys it!
     What's bound to happen, in the event he reaches the top of his dream is this; All of the Immigrants who have entered our great Country to enjoy the beautiful freedom that has  existed for 250 years, and they wanted to enjoy as well, will be gone because they went along with his wishes in the first place.
     Today's Financial give-away "Medicine" is the Consumer "Poison" of tomorrow!
     I have a friend who once said to me, "No good deed goes unpunished!" In this case, nothing could be getting closer to the truth. Just sayin'.


Monday, June 10, 2013


      Do you believe him?? Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings? Especially when there really wasn't a sincere investigation to start with? Really? Those words coming from a man who, because of his discriminative view towards Constitutionalists, Republicans, Tea Party Loyalists and Independents, thinks their intentions can't be stopped anyway.
      In fact, the scandal has only just been exposed in the last week and victims of it are beginning to come forward to testify against the suspected actions of the Corrupt Agency they once worked for.
     Look!! In the midst of all the controversy we've had with the Obama Administration and the obvious overthrowing of our Constitutional system with his illegal Executive orders, his never ending cover-ups of one ridiculous scandal after another, and total mysterious background, how could anybody with two round eyeballs think they should go unquestioned?
     I have been researching Barack Hussein Obama and have discovered that he has a mysterious past that his supporters (also mysterious and operating "from the shadows" so to speak,) don't want us to know exactly the truth about.
     Right now, you could choose five people, give them the assignment to research him, and I'll bet none of their conclusions will be the same, depending on where they investigate. So, after finding several different versions and with much difficulty, I began connecting the dots from every source I could find. Those dots led me to a very disturbing end.
     I won't take the trouble to explain them to you because it would take a book and frankly, one disturbing fact that became real about him to me was this; Through all of the deliberate misleading claims he has made since before he became a Democratic Senator replacing the infamous Ted Kennedy, he has told one huge barefaced lie after another.
     In his book "Dreams from my Father", he has contradicted himself countless times in comparison to what you can find on the Internet.
     But there is one thing for sure. Every move he has made with the help of his shadowy backers, (Who seem to be able to come up with unlimited amounts of cash for him to stay in office.) there is a goal that's as sinister for this Country as it is unimaginable, and up until now, more and more real and attainable. 
     World Communism, with the massive confusion and the breaking down of the will of our general populace. Once accomplished, they will reconstruct the Country to suit their means.
     I saw it the first day he was inaugurated in early 2009. And now that it is becoming more and more apparent because of the leaks that are coming from the people who work on his behalf, but  sickened and scared at the outcome they see for the future, they're abandoning his hidden philosophy.
     Join me in my amusement as we see him wiggle and squirm his way to possible Impeachment.
     He'll do just as he has been doing in the past, skillfully finding weaknesses in our Constitutional laws where deviousness was not considered when our Founding Fathers drew it up. They had no idea such a man could so evilly exist and still become President of the United States of America.
     He is doing it by skirting around the laws our Constitution provides, yet he does it in such a way, that he and his Cohorts can legally claim they aren't breaking any laws.
     The sad part is, we have a Supreme Court that will tend to stand idly by and watch. The reason?? Corruption has very possibly reached them too!! Believe it or not!!
     We can only wait and see, but with the decisions they have been making lately, including the Obamacare fiasco by Our Chief Justice John Roberts, pretty well tells me there's no hope in relying on them to defend and enforce the laws as they exist in the Constitution either.  Just sayin'.

Saturday, June 8, 2013



     Right from the very beginning of the Obama "wrench over" of control of the U.S. Gov't, The Democrats and Barack Obama stepped in like the Bullies they are, and completely changed everything they could from a Constitution following, freedom loving Nation to a confused, jobless shell of what used to be.
     It set me off on a hunt for the Sincerity in the people who had just cheated, scratched, lied and encouraged the Influx of illegal Aliens. To my disappointment, there has been none.
     Their idea of sincerity was only to each other. I still feel in my own mind that they didn't win the election by "trusting in your honor" standards.
     I look very carefully at any "Socialist" advocate with the thought in mind not to trust him.
     Why on earth, during the absence of God in our midst, should I? They fear no reprisals.
.    It's clear to me now that their sudden transition from true Democracy to Atheist inspired Tyranny, didn't happen just as a matter of coincidence. It has been a long range plan, well thought out quietly, and ranging from the Public middle schools, right up through the Colleges and Universities and on up through the Justice system to the Supreme Court of the United States.
    All this didn't happen of course, in just the short years Obama has seized power by rigging the Elections. It has been in the planning for years, back to the mid-seventies and the days of Jimmy Carter. We ignored all of this, thinking it would never happen, and now it has.
    We Patriotic Americans were just too trusting in what we assumed were our acquaintances who wished to do their thing aside from the most of us. (All the while, they were wanting it all!!)
    After all, we thought, it's a free country in which we could all enjoy, without intervention from other foreign Countries. That is, until Osama Bin Laden popped up, and 9/11 reared it's ugly head. So did naivety!!
    Our Country's Leaders and voting population in the past were generous enough to supply our Warrior 'Might' in defense of other Countries with the desire for the same freedom we were enjoying.
    Several times over, we joined with our Allies to fight off Tyrannical nations who were attempting to force their will on our otherwise peaceful friends.
    All this effort and forfeit of American and Canadian lives, expecting nothing in return for their  efforts except peaceful relations for the future.
    But we weren't watching our backs and paying attention to what was happening right here in our own back yard.
    We weren't being diligent in monitoring the "Underground" Atheist/Marxist movement progressing behind closed doors as we went on with our every day business.
    Now here we are, with a self appointed Dictator barring us from all information we're entitled to as a "Once upon a time" Gov't "Of the people, By the people and For the people," completely silenced to any information our Republican and Democratic Congressmen who represent us, are entitled to.
    We've gone from an open Gov't to the most close mouthed U.S. Presidential Administration in the history of the Country.
    This President and his Regime have completely reversed the notion from him listening and representing us, to us listening and representing them!
    God help us all if they win this one. Just sayin'.