Saturday, June 8, 2013



     Right from the very beginning of the Obama "wrench over" of control of the U.S. Gov't, The Democrats and Barack Obama stepped in like the Bullies they are, and completely changed everything they could from a Constitution following, freedom loving Nation to a confused, jobless shell of what used to be.
     It set me off on a hunt for the Sincerity in the people who had just cheated, scratched, lied and encouraged the Influx of illegal Aliens. To my disappointment, there has been none.
     Their idea of sincerity was only to each other. I still feel in my own mind that they didn't win the election by "trusting in your honor" standards.
     I look very carefully at any "Socialist" advocate with the thought in mind not to trust him.
     Why on earth, during the absence of God in our midst, should I? They fear no reprisals.
.    It's clear to me now that their sudden transition from true Democracy to Atheist inspired Tyranny, didn't happen just as a matter of coincidence. It has been a long range plan, well thought out quietly, and ranging from the Public middle schools, right up through the Colleges and Universities and on up through the Justice system to the Supreme Court of the United States.
    All this didn't happen of course, in just the short years Obama has seized power by rigging the Elections. It has been in the planning for years, back to the mid-seventies and the days of Jimmy Carter. We ignored all of this, thinking it would never happen, and now it has.
    We Patriotic Americans were just too trusting in what we assumed were our acquaintances who wished to do their thing aside from the most of us. (All the while, they were wanting it all!!)
    After all, we thought, it's a free country in which we could all enjoy, without intervention from other foreign Countries. That is, until Osama Bin Laden popped up, and 9/11 reared it's ugly head. So did naivety!!
    Our Country's Leaders and voting population in the past were generous enough to supply our Warrior 'Might' in defense of other Countries with the desire for the same freedom we were enjoying.
    Several times over, we joined with our Allies to fight off Tyrannical nations who were attempting to force their will on our otherwise peaceful friends.
    All this effort and forfeit of American and Canadian lives, expecting nothing in return for their  efforts except peaceful relations for the future.
    But we weren't watching our backs and paying attention to what was happening right here in our own back yard.
    We weren't being diligent in monitoring the "Underground" Atheist/Marxist movement progressing behind closed doors as we went on with our every day business.
    Now here we are, with a self appointed Dictator barring us from all information we're entitled to as a "Once upon a time" Gov't "Of the people, By the people and For the people," completely silenced to any information our Republican and Democratic Congressmen who represent us, are entitled to.
    We've gone from an open Gov't to the most close mouthed U.S. Presidential Administration in the history of the Country.
    This President and his Regime have completely reversed the notion from him listening and representing us, to us listening and representing them!
    God help us all if they win this one. Just sayin'.

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