Tuesday, June 11, 2013


     Now if we count those too, using 2 children per person more by now, there is still a number of 34.5 million who are impacting this Nation's affairs. I think that's a very conservative figure, too.
     Not only that, but every year they're here, the number goes up by 1 child more for every 2 adults that are added and come of age to have babies. After all, the children born 20 years ago have grown up since they started increasing again after the first amnesty by President Reagan.
     So, knowing how inaccurate the Obama Regime is at adding 2 and 2, I don't imagine they even realize that there are Hispanics here that have already become U.S. citizens from the first amnesty, that may be qualifying for all those extra bennies, simply because they put their names on the applications that state they don't have to prove citizenship when applying.
    Now how many are qualifying for all that free stuff. I mean tuitions included? Cell phones too.
    But President Obama doesn't mind that, because he needs 92% of them to vote for his Socialist/Atheist cause in the future, even if he isn't in the running anymore for President. You see, all the Atheists running in the future need to do is lie and tell them all their free bennies will be taken away if they don't vote for the Marxist/Communist Agenda. Simple, don't you think??
     To go just a little bit further, maybe the idea of what they're doing was his ingenuity passed on from his past experience..
     Because, when it came to foreign student eligibility for him in applying for a free student tuition grant to go to our colleges here upon his arrival here from Indonesia, he produced a birth certificate stating he was born in Kenya.
     But later on, when he had to qualify running for President, suddenly he was born in Hawaii. on the same date. So which application did he lie on?? You gotta' know he lied about one or the other!!
     Somebody needs to "pin his ears back" on that, don't you think? Well???
     But let me point something out here In my observation as to what the Spanish Population is doing to get by from one day to the next in this Country, it has dawned on me we all, regardless of nationality would be doing the same thing if the opportunity was presented to us! Now be honest! Wouldn't we?? Of course we would! The problem here is, Obama doesn't need anymore votes than he's already got sewed up for the future. So he simply takes away what the rest of us might have rightfully received in the future, and is giving it to his chosen people now!
     We can't blame the minorities for taking those freebies now can we?
     But we can certainly blame him for doing it in the first place!! Until we can have a stable enough Congress to stop him, he will continue marching on in his defiance of our Sacred Constitution until there's nothing left but shreds. It's part of his ultimate goal.
     Guess what? When he has finally reached that goal, the very people who have voted for and promoted his hidden agenda are going to realize what's happened and begin to ask us to forgive them.
     Then they're going to ask the rest of us to step up front and take him and his Kingdom down, because they will have stopped getting all his free bennies that used to be free. "Wha' happened?", they will ask.
     So let's not argue and fight amongst our General Populace and blame the minority people for what they're getting. Barack Obama loves that. As far as he's concerned, the more disruption, the better. It will only help him and his "Well oiled Machine" standing in the shadows behind him, achieve their goal of Totalitarianism.
     Unknowingly to many of the American people, the more we're in disarray, the better he enjoys it!
     What's bound to happen, in the event he reaches the top of his dream is this; All of the Immigrants who have entered our great Country to enjoy the beautiful freedom that has  existed for 250 years, and they wanted to enjoy as well, will be gone because they went along with his wishes in the first place.
     Today's Financial give-away "Medicine" is the Consumer "Poison" of tomorrow!
     I have a friend who once said to me, "No good deed goes unpunished!" In this case, nothing could be getting closer to the truth. Just sayin'.


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