Friday, June 28, 2013


    From the day he became a teenager in Indonesia, and the fact that he and Michelle were both raised by parents and/or Grandparents who had a  distaste for "The American way", so to speak, there's no doubt their  mentality was in lockstep with that of the "Woodstock" era people, the Draft dodgers and their supporters at the time, including Bill and Hillary Clinton. Their "Get even" grudge against the "American way" became a prophecy.
     All the signs were developing along the way, and are still appearing even though the majority of the American people wish to think it isn't so.
     When Barack Obama became President, Michelle put the handwriting on the wall that something was going to change dramatically for America by her exclamation, "For the first time in my life, I'm proud to be an American!" Race, color or creed didn't stop them from reaching the top. So why do you suppose she made the remark??
     With her and Barack both having been raised with silver spoons in their mouths, they must have been blind, not to see the average American family trying hard themselves to get by and struggling to put their offspring through School, and then College. So, what did she have to be unhappy about??
      I remember those days of the "Peaceniks" very well, because one of their themes for objecting to "The American way" was the idea that, "Peace " and "Equality" was the answer to the Worlds problems and not war. (The "taking for granted" of their freedom 'syndrome' had clouded their memories of the reason for "The War of Independence".)
     None of those people who behaved in objection to the normal way of working and earning a living, ever were "loyal" to this country and they showed it by Anti- American demonstrations, Anti-religious demonstrations, and objection to prayer. (Atheists, Agnostics, Narcissists and Greedy billionaires, all with one thing in common. The thirst for power!)
     The only way they can accomplish this task of taking America down so there's nothing left for us, is to render us useless.
     So what would they have to do? Exactly as they're doing!!
     Whenever anyone of them attend church gatherings, you can be sure it is  to satisfy the tendency that most warm blooded animals have, to herd for the sense of security or sell something, but not to seriously pray or display the desire to be there in "The American" way.
     They, the followers of these zealots, think they're striving toward equality by demanding it through power rather than reaching for, and achieving it through good old hard work and other means of financial accomplishment. "The good, old American Way"!
     Instead, they would rather sell this country down the river to the rest of the world with the illusive dream in mind for all humans regardless of whether they've earned it or not.
     They think they can do this on the backs of someone else without earning it themselves.
     The fools are turning a blind eye on the rest of the modern world where that same idea has already failed.
     The most sinful part of this is, to achieve their dream of power, regardless of the consequences, The Obamas and their Regime know already, that America is going to lose superiority through leaking every important secret we have to the rest of the world. They will weaken us technologically, financially and militarily in a way that will fool the followers into thinking this is the way to make everyone in the world equal.
     And it' not!!! Because the day is coming that they're going to run out of everybody else's money.
     All they will have accomplished for themselves and everyone else, is the loss of the ability to think and fight for themselves, as Totalitarianism takes control of the World by way of the "New World Order".
     The Obamas and the Deviates coaching them already know this will happen. But they want it to, and are in hopes of being the ones in control, not the fools on the receiving end.
     Putin, the Obamas and the rest of the so-called underdog world are happier than hell to see America's top "secrets" neutralized by this guy named Edward Snowden.
     He's only one link in the chain of leaks orchestrated by the Obama group.
     But once again, they are cleverly doing it with everybody else receiving the blame but them. They're laughing at us all the while!
     The only anger that Obama has toward Edward Snowden is the fact that he revealed the  spying information on us, the American People.
     How can that possibly be treason. The rest of the world already had it leaked to them by other means. Just another day, just another patsy.
     It's time we took the initiative to grab the next Obama defenders and tossed them ass over tea kettle off the engine of the run-away train.
     That seems to be the only way to stop it at this point. (Legally speaking of course!) Ha Ha. Just sayin'.

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