Friday, April 22, 2011


    In bringing to light  some of the "becoming more obvious" liberal leanings of some of the Fox News
commentators, it's becoming more obvious to me that Shepherd Smith is doing a lot more promoting on behalf of President Obama's Views. Today  he was interviewing Stephen Sigmund and together they were suggesting that even though the economy is definitely getting better, what could Obama do to convince the the voters it is really so? Together they were trying to dream up a way he could accomplish that task. Who are we trying to kid here?  Shepherd! WHERE IS IT BETTER?
    I know that some time ago, Smith declared openly to a magazine that he was Gay. Somehow, with that pretty-boy face it doesn't surprise me, but until then I thought he was a part of the conservative crew with basic, Christian moral values. I'm thinking differently now.
    What are his values? Approximately a month back he had Peter Johnson and a female conservative blogger on his show to discuss the airport security groping of male passengers. The female blogger was clearly against the method used and felt it was too extreme. To my surprise and the embarrassment of the conservative guest, Peter Johnson declared he looks forward to being groped that way and Shepherd Smith agreed whole heartedly! I was shocked by their declaration and I'm sure the female guest was too. In fact when she protested the comment, Peter Johnson started overtalking her every word until she finally gave up in disgust. Until now that tactic has been frowned upon by Fox News.. Shepherd Smith did nothing to stop this Socialist tactic that is so commonly used by the Liberals. Shepherd did nothing to alleviate the humiliation to the lady.
    Do we once again have wolves in sheep's clothing here?
    Is Fox News changing their moral requirements that we've come to enjoy as Christians?
    As good as Shepherd Smith is at delivering the news, is he joining the ranks of the wanna be Geraldo Rivera? Has Peter Johnson already done it? Just askin'. I hope that no honest, straight conservatives are being fooled by these Girley guys. I mean, gosh!!! What is Fox intending to do here?

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