What does this lead to? It takes a God fearing person who normally would resist temptation to the next step leading to immorality.They now have doubt there is a God consequence and have nothing to fear in the way of punishment in the hereafter.They follow the line of least resistance and, as I pointed out in another blog, is the wrong direction 99% of the time.
It leads to inappropriate sex, homosexuality, drugs, theft of another man's property and ultimately murder in order to satisfy their wants.
I can't believe that a God fearing person can find solace in voting for the Democratic party as it is today. Especially when they're using the word "God" for the sake of asking you to vote for them. This is the same candidate that would vote to eliminate God from the Pledge of Allegiance, the Ten Commandments from the steps of The Hall of Justice and the elimination of prayer from our schools.
They are attempting to destroy the very things that were the foudation this country was established on.
Through blood sweat and tears we grew to be the greatest country on earth, bar none.
Just to think that these same politicians would support taking moral guidance away from our children
is a very scary and disturbing thought. Guess what? It is already happening under our vey noses and we have yet to do something about it.
The teachers and professors in our schools and colleges have been slowly doing it for years. I'm sure the smarter ones realize this is happening, but for fear of their own jobs, are not speaking out.
This agenda erases the hope there is a Supreme Being when someone is dying really needs to believe
they have earned the possibility of going somewhere better.
It takes away the hope a parent has that God could assist their sick child.
It takes away the dream that by praying to God you will achieve a better life.
It takes away the comfort a person may have that they may someday see their lost loved ones who have preceded them in death.
Most repulsive of all, It takes away the satisfaction that wrongdoers who escaped punishment here on earth will get their come uppance on the other side. Some people say vengeance belongs to God. I guess so, but satisfaction of knowing it's going to happen belongs to us. I wouldn't want to lose that hope.
Just sayin'.
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