Wednesday, November 28, 2012


     2013 will soon be here. Medicare at present, provides medical coverage for us, both Part A and Part B.  Obamacare kicks in on Jan. 1st, 2013. Because of our income we presently qualify for both. We both have serious, ongoing illnesses that we wish weren't there, but they are.
     Our incomes haven't changed and will remain the same for 2013. My secondary coverage will be dropped and I'll be required to pay for secondary insurance.
     Obama promised us that the Elderly on Medicare would not be affected by Obamacare when it kicks in. He practically hollered at the microphone when he said it. WE WOULD NOT BE AFFECTED! PERIOD! Remember that?  Republicans will remember, Democrats probably won't. (If for no other reason, for convenience sake.)
     Today I received notification from the State that due to an increase in household income, that I will be dropped from Medicare Part B.
     Because an increase in Social Security of 1.7% will also increase, it tells me I'm over the limit. However, there also will be an increase of 1.7% in Social Security tax and that, unfortunately, will not increase the net amount my Social Security income will be to the household. But again, unfortunately through some real intense Gov't 'think tank' conclusion, our income to the household is calculated at not net income, but gross pay before deductions. Make sense?
     In my case, my increase will be 16 dollars but the increased deduction will also be 16 dollars, giving me zero increase. See what I mean Vern? ( Straight out of Chicago Gangster thinking.)
     Sometime in the near future, Obama will say he increased our Social Security!!
     On the same page that they announced my change, it exempts all illegal aliens and felons.(prisoners).
     They will continue to get all the Federal and State assistance they are currently getting, and are exempt  from having to require secondary insurance for prescription coverage. ( There could be as many as 20 million Illegals in this country)
     I am now required by law, to seek secondary insurance to cover myself, which I, unfortunately, have no additional income to do it.
     And by the way, Obama sat down with AARP, an Insurance conglomerate that for years has donated big money in the past to the Democratic campaigns including Obama's, and who receives large amounts of federal assistance by way of it's claim to be non-profit, and directed AARP to plan Obamacare.
     Very much like paying the burglar to make the bank burglar proof, Don't you think?
     AARP made it mandatory for All Americans (Except Racial minorities, Illegal Aliens and felons of course. ) to have to supply their own prescription coverage by the date, Dec. 7th, 2012. (An Insurance Co.'s dream come true.)
     You may wonder if it's reverse discrimination against the Old folks of this country simply for living this long, wouldn't you?
     And by the way, the lady at the State doesn't seem to be answering her phone or returning phone calls either. Just sayin'.

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