Monday, November 19, 2012


      The rent is currently $1,200.00 per month. The Landlord, not wanting to get out of favor with his tenants, is intending to raise the rent to $1,600.00 per month. So he sends out a notification that he's intending to raise the rent, but due to his understanding that the economy is headed for dire straits, he is going to work with the tenants by giving them a rent cut of 10%.
      "Oh, Goodie!", says the tenant. "That's kind of him, don't you think?" to an adjoining tenant. "Now I can afford to stay! In fact, now I can go ahead and buy the new car with that kind of news!"
     The tenant, in his excitement, runs out and buys the vehicle.
     Expecting to see the next rent statement lowered to 10% less than $1,200.00 = $1,080.00, the next bill comes and it is surprisingly at $1,560.00 "Wow," says the tenant, "the Landlord lied to us." The tenant confronts the landlord. "Why did you lie to us?" "I didn't lie to you. I just forgot to tell you I was raising it first." But I did subtract the cut from the new amount, didn't I?" "After all, I have to balance my budget after all those necessary trips around the world I took in the last four years." "I did give you a rent cut in my way of thinking." Don't believe the story. I only used it to show how ridiculous it could be. That's not what Landlords do. But do you think it's fair that Barack Obama should do it? Do you really??
     That's the way all your tax cuts are going to be from Barack Obama, by the way. You see he purposely increased the amount of the future budget allowance to make it look like your're getting a Tax cut. The tax cut you voted for was already added to the budget ahead of time. Capeesh? Just sayin'.

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