Wednesday, November 21, 2012


      After 4 years of being a complete failure at establishing peace in the world and encouraging just the opposite here throughout America, such as Community Organizing the Wall street Occupiers and receiving the hypocritical Nobel "Peace" Prize, Barack has decided to wave his magic wand for peace in Gaza. Of course he has to establish peace in the rest of the world first.
      He does it by means of boarding Air Force One, flying as high as he can get so one of the Hamas misguided missiles don't accidentally hit him by mistake, making speeches from the heavens as though he is Mohammed and Community Organizing the very important country of Myanmar in preparation for "The New World Order"
      Being far too busy to be distracted by the "slight" disagreement that's taking place between Israel and the Palestinian Terrorists called Hamas, (He tries to avoid the word "Terrorists", though.) he has more important things to tend to.
      I don't have to avoid the word "Terrorist" yet, that is, if the U.S. Constitution is still intact. (You never know what could happen with that, in the next 4 years,)
     But hey!! He did send his "Retiring" Secretary of State Hillary to save the day over there!! Having partaken in every "Peace" march that really meant anything when it came to Media attention throughout her war torn life in the Bill Clinton draft dodging years, and having relived every tragic, major battle ever fought since 1940, why wouldn't he send an expert such as her??
     After your's truly talked to an 'Active' nuclear scientist vacationing with folks here for Thanksgiving, he sounded "Very concerned" over Iran's nuclear capability. He put it this way, "They have all the means to build a nuclear bomb. They only need the material to do it, and how do we know they don't already have that?" It was extremely discouraging, believe me.
     To be honest about it, which both Barack and Hillary rarely are, the sending of Hillary to Israel at this time was a slap in the face to Prime Minister Netanyahu. After several 'rude' encounters in which Barack displayed his displeasure of Netanyahu's dislike for the behavior of 'Hamas' and Iran's intentions to "Wipe Israel off the map", Barack wants us to believe that he stands behind Israel no matter what, but believes Israel is wrong in this confrontation with his (Barack's) Muslim friends. He expressed his displeasure by cancelling a meeting with the Prime Minister after he had traveled all the way from Israel to discuss the situation with Barack. He even snubbed him in the hallway of the White House! The Prime Minister left for Israel, embarrassed and empty handed.
      Don't you think at least Michelle owes him an apology as the "First Lady"? Or even Valerie Bowman Jarrett, or Commander of the "Well oiled Machine", Atheist George Soros?
      In case you think Obama isn't in frequent contact with Iran, he is! Valerie Bowman Jarrett is a very close friend of, first Michelle before Michelle met Barack, and Barack after that. She was the first and longest lasting Adviser to the President appointed after his swearing in ceremony. She was immediately hired as his Chief Adviser in Governmental Affairs. She was born in Iran to African American parents, spent her childhood there, speaks the language fluently and is a constant "go between" with Barack and Iran, being a citizen of Iran as well. ( Read the book,"The Amature" Written by Edward Klein.)
      Ever wonder how those "Highly classified Military secrets" have been falling into Iran's hands lately?
      Being careful not to accuse, All I'm saying is, Weigh all of the possibilities!!
     You see, Obama has recently been talking out of both sides of his mouth as usual. To the American people, "Israel will always be our strongest Ally" and to the rest of the Islamic people of the world, " Israel is encroaching on Palestinian territory, so they must learn to get along, by Israel abandoning the Gaza Strip." All of this of course, from the "Mohammed Heavens" in Air Force One! (Get ready for another "Nobel Peace Prize!!)
     To keep things clear so far, Hamas started firing at Israel first "FROM" the Gaza Strip. Capish?? The Palestinians KNOW Barack is religiously and favorably on their side, by withholding the Military aid from the U.S. that Israel so urgently needs to repel the attacks from the Palestinian Terrorists.
     He will never make a decision that would offend Mohammed!!
     Surely to "Our" God, you understand that!!!   Just sayin'.

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