Thursday, November 29, 2012


      I understand from the News reports on Fox News that the Administration is intending to change the privacy law so they can, at will, read all personal Emails on the internet that are 6 months old or older.
      As it stands, I'm sure that Homeland Security is already capable of doing it with the sake of Homeland Security in mind. So what would be the other reason for doing this?
      It sounds like anyone in the Administration could then do it for any reason they wish.
      Doing such a thing means they would be free to launch personal vendettas against anybody they wish in order to "get even" sort of thing.
      I ask you, do you have the good faith that the politicians who just waged the dirtiest, degrading, dishonest campaign of their political lives to get re-elected by hook or by crook, should be trusted to read your emails with nothing but "Good intentions" in mind?....... Really??
     Try not to forget, especially with the plague of 'Short memory' syndrome that's going around right now, how much this "Clairvoyant" Administration has actually conducted International and the Nation's business 'strictly' behind closed doors for four full years. To my knowledge, none of the President's meetings on the Nations business have ever been recorded, particularly for the country's Electorate to hear.
     He's made a few remarks when someone left a microphone open by mistake with him not being aware of it, and to his regret every time. It was never something the General public in this country wanted to hear come from his mouth!
     Doesn't it appear strange to you that they never want us to hear what they've said behind closed doors, living off our tax money, spending our present and future tax dollars, some of it going to International Co.'s who are doing business with it outside of this Country, like General Electric owned by J.P. Morgan that doesn't pay one penny of tax to the U.S.?   Just askin'.   What say you???

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