Tuesday, April 21, 2015


     For more than several years now, I've been desperately telling you how I see Barack Obama for the Anti-American he is, as totally indifferent and adverse he was and is,  to the American People. From the very first time he appeared on the political scene, he has not behaved as any normal, patriotic American who was truly born and raised here in the American Way.
     39 years ago, with most of my siblings living or having migrated to the States, I discovered that, although I was born in Canada, I was an American from the day I was born. I was also at the age of 39, and always yearned to be down here with the rest of my family and my mother who moved here as well. So I moved!
     Being a 'people observing' person anyway, I feel I am quite adept at judging the characters of other humans. (Good or bad, it's a trait I don't make any effort to avoid)
     I first became aware of this man Barack, on the political level when he became a "Progressive" Senator.
     He was a master of the microphone, such as only one other I knew as a teenager who, aside from being able to call a Rodeo better than the likes I had never seen before, was like magic  when you put a microphone in his hand.
     A transformation took place from just a guy we knew every day, to a natural, professional performer on the air. The trouble was, in his normal behavior, he was a tremendous B.S.'er in almost every story he told. (To the point we took everything he said with a grain of salt.) We forgave him and playfully referred to him as "Johnny B.S". !
     I really never saw him again after I left that town, and it was many years later when I first heard the lingo of Barack Obama, that the memory came back to me like it was just yesterday.
     I said to my wife, "Oh my gosh! There's the re-incarnation of Johnny B.S."
     Sadly for this Country, I was more than right about the insincerity of this man. But there's a big difference in one respect that made him much, much worse; The Johnny B.S'er I had once known, was a type of fibber that was harmless and never hurt anybody. We never condemned him for it. We looked at him as entertainment.
    This guy we have here, is a pathetic liar for a set purpose, and his lies have caused this Country ir-repairable harm. And he is doing it on purpose. I knew it back then, and he's proving it now!
    This business of saying, "I don't know why he's doing this" and "Don't know why he's not doing that!" is nonsense. Although a pathetic habitual liar, he still has the ability to magically speak on a microphone with a masterful way of reading the printed speech in front of him on three, well placed teleprompters. The masterminding is not his! It's the devious minds of the "Progressive" paid-off Group who knows they'll prosper from his actions if he can pull it off. The well-paid speech writers!
     Read my past blogs on my personal FB page, and you'll be enlightened by what you read.
     Just sayin'.

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