Wednesday, April 1, 2015


     On and on he plows, forever following the marching orders of the rest of the Globe in his never ending dream of being the Leader of the "New World Order".
     Having started slowly at first to avoid detection, along with the International Billionaires fully backing him, he, although slowed by the election events that have blocked him from having the backing of the "Progressive" (Communist) Congress that supported his "Change to America forever" in the first two years, presides over the World, rather than as the President of the Country that duly elected him in the first place!
     We can thank our lucky stars, for enough of our voting population to see he was up to 'no good', and to turn the tide of the overwhelming 'Alternative Normal' Congress by at least placing the House of Representatives in safer, Republican hands and ultimately in control of the 'Purse' as well, in 2010.
     His true, sinister  intentions for America were at least slowed down, but it still left two thirds of our 'Communist crippled' Gov't in the hands of the Chicago trained thugs that followed him into office.
     It didn't stop this group of thugs entirely from forging ahead in it's intentions to throw America and it's way of life into the reach of the pack of Worldly wolves (The international Billionaires)waiting to increase their grip on our 'Country rich' Natural Resources.
     But make no mistake about it, throughout all of the negative changes that found their way to blocking his Communistic progress, it has only slowed him down, and he is every bit as dangerous in his bid to place America into the hands of the European Union, the U.N. and the now-existing "Trilateral commission" who, under the monetary power of International Billionaires, will solidly establish the intended, "New World Order". Of which, the great Orator Barack Obama will be President!
    This representative of the Devil himself  has not given up, despite his slowed-down revelations to achieve that goal.
    His directions from above, are not from God, not from a Gov't "Of the People, By the People and For the People", but only from the amalgamation of American hating Countries around the World.
    Last but not least, the people he has carefully selected on his Administration are solidly behind him with the promise of something in it for them as well. Make no mistake about it.
    John Kerry, the infamous, proven liar who appeared before a Grand Jury with the claim of witnessing the massacre at Meeh lai in Vietnam in an attempt to discredit the U.S. Military, has been trusted as Secretary of State in the negotiations over Iran's Nuclear advancement.
     He has everything to gain, regardless of that outcome, because he is the husband to the Heinz fortune heiress who is also an International Billionaire.  Just look at what she just purchased lately!!
     Who is trying to kid who, here???  Just sayin'.

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