Saturday, April 4, 2015


     Even scarier; keep in mind the fact that Barack Hussein Obama, aside from the "compromising" of our Sacred Constitution almost out of existence, has never compromised anything that would take away from his intentions of being the Leader of the World.
     In fact with all of his complaints that the Congress refuses to "compromise" his radical intentions of 'ignoring' the rules of our governmental system of a government "Of the People, By the People and For the People", he has not compromised one thing that would have caused him to forfeit one law-breaking thing he has in mind! Absolutely nothing!!
     Why?? Because he, even as President of the United States, has never abided by the very Rules that were put forth and dutifully passed by law for him to represent and abide by in the Constitution.
     Having claimed to be a Scholar of the meaning of it, he's proven without any doubt, he studied not to obey it, but to get rich by destroying it!
     I present you proof that can be checked if you'd like to on the Internet. (Perhaps the main reason he would like to, again by Executive order, destroy it by force if necessary.)
     Since the beginning of the Presidential reign of Robert Kennedy, and up to the end of George W. Bushe's term, all of the executive orders issued by 9 Presidents altogether, total 100.
     Now....., from the beginning of Obama's Presidency up until now, he has issued over 1000 of them and still has 2 years of Tyrancy to go!
     It's glaringly obvious as to what his goal is; "Dictatorship by Executive Order!!"
     Here are just some of the most extreme, in case you doubt me;
Executive order 10990; Allows the Gov't to take control of all modes of transportation and control of Highways and Seaports.

Executive Order 10995; Allows the Gov't to seize and control the Communications Media.

Executive Order 10997; Allows the Gov't to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.

Executive Order 10998; Allows the Gov't to take over all food resources and farms.

Executive Order 11000; Allows the Gov't to organize civilians into work brigades under Government Supervision.

Executive Order 11001; Allows the Gov't to take over all Health, Education and Welfare function.

Executive Order 11002; Designates the registration of all persons. Postmaster General to operate a National Registration.

Executive Order 11003; Allows the Gov't to take over all Airports and Aircraft including Commercial Aircraft.

Executive Order 11004; Allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with Public Funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

Executive Order 11005; Allows the Gov't to take over railroads, Inland waterways and Public Storage Facilities.

Executive Order 11049; Assigns Emergency preparedness function to Federal Depts., and Agencies, consolidating 21 Operative Executive Orders issued over a 15 year period.

Executive Order 11051; Specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all of Executive Orders into effect in times of increased International tensions and economic or financial crisis.

Executive Order 11310; Grants authority to the Spt. of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute Industrial support, to establish Judicial Legislative Liaison, to control all Aliens, to operate Penal and Correctional Institutions, and to advise and assist the President.

Executive Order11921; Allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of Production and Distribution, of Energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. Financial Institutions in any undefined National Emergency.

    : It also provides that when a State of Emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review it for 6 months.
    As expressed by another Contributor:
    "I'm sure you've heard the tale of "The Frog in the Pot"...Watch Obama's actions, not his words!
By his actions, he will show you where America's headed."
"If this is difficult to believe, prove it to yourself by GOOGLING IT!!"
     Just sayin'.

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