Sunday, April 26, 2015


     Not more than 2 weeks ago, when the Muslims were asking for hundreds of thousands for the  female and male hostages in exchange for their safe return, it was finally announced by that same group, the hostages had been killed shortly after their captivity.
     It was long before the Radical killers asked for the ransom. I believe it was finally revealed when a private group of hostage supporters came up with some of the cash, and the murderers came up with the truth they had already been killed.
     Does the U.S. Gov't take their word for it? Well....., it makes sense that they would, doesn't it? But did they also realize the fact they no longer could take the word of those treacherous demons for anything else, anymore.
     What the Muslims were hoping for, I suspect was, the handing over of the money before they had to produce the hostages. Then they could care less about the deception of it all, don't you surmise?
     Now, what makes the U.S. Gov't think they're telling the truth, when the drones that killed two top Al Qaida terrorists in Pakistan, also resulted in the deaths of the hostages Weinstein and Lo Porto? I ask, because those two targeted Terrorists were observed for weeks, moving around the compound with not a "Shred" of evidence the hostages were there, according to an Investigator on FOX NEWS.
     Have they produced any evidence at all, they were in the hands of those particular dead Muslim Terrorist Maniacs? I don't believe so!
     So why wouldn't they be lying about that, too? Why wouldn't they be lying about the other instances they claim hostages were killed by drone strikes? After all, even if the hostages were killed before or after the drone strikes, and they don't dis-prove their false claims, it would be to the killers' advantage political-wise in World opinion.
     They could be lying through their rotten, dog eating teeth, just as Barack Obama and the Clintons have done in the past, and probably will in the near future.
     The only question left here is; Who learned from who???  Just sayin'.

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