Tuesday, April 18, 2017


     Doesn't it make you sick to the stomach when you hear the popular theme on the "Progressive" side of the ledger, insist they think we should "Globalize" and become part of the rest of the World??
     Particularly when it's obvious that the rest of the World has without exception, failed so miserably as they have time and again, failed and then depended on the U.S. to 'bail' them out.
     You tell me; How could the same voters who elected Barack Obama to 4 years of misleading and misrepresenting the integrity of our once-great Country to the rest of the envious World by criticizing our behavior in a continual theme while visiting other Countries.? Then through the magic  of 'Smoking mirrors', again be re-elected just to double his efforts and increase his hatred for the 'American Way' and the Common people! Those who in fact made it Great in the first place!
     His only record of success in all of the 8 years of Dictatorial rule by Executive Orders from behind closed doors, was to intentionally degrade the hopes and dreams of the common good folks down to only being able to stand by and hopelessly watch him write his non-sensible stuff at the Tax-Payer's expense. 
     Mind you, he didn't do it alone by any means! He did it with the help of the devious 'Main Media' whose hope was to gain power and strength through increased viewers and Listeners! But as an end to their failed efforts, they lost any viewers who had any savvy at all to the most powerful Conservative News Organization in the Nation, FOX NEWS, who now has more viewers than all of the other National News stations put together!!
      Anybody with one lick of sense would not allow them to get away with it, and they DIDN'T!! What those Ignoramooses  did, was to confuse and damage the free thinking people into  believing that "GLOBAL" was better for this Country and to convince them it would be helpful for all mankind. (Under the guidance of Obama, his intention was to bring America so far down on it's knees, we couldn't possibly recover in time to stop him!)
     So they took the Nation's Taxpayer dollars, valuable mineral resources including it's top Secrets, National Security, with the guidance of  "Horny Bill" and Hillary Clinton and put them out there for the "Global" World to help themselves to in exchange for "Rewards" they ran to the bank with.
     If that wasn't enough, along with the Leaders of the Teacher's and College Professors Unions, they excluded the word God in the Public Schools and have recently been encouraging the teachings of Islam. That's a sad FACT!!
     Now the lesser-minded Millennials coming out of High School and College have graduated from "Boobs" to "Tits" with their rioting antics.
     As I said in previous blogs, those stubborn "Progressive" individuals who KNOW damn well this is the case, have made the unwary and absence of common sense Milennials, absolutely dumbfounded enough to listen to the smirking defenders of what took place, and continue to re-elect anyone who would insist on pushing 'Globalism'!
     Now it's a clear-cut case of  following the "Line of Least Resistance" because it's easier to drop down to the level of the impoverished, rest of the World than to encourage them to earn their own way as we have toiled for 250 years to do.
      Obama, having been schooled and raised in Islamic Indonesia where no one works for a living and people eat dogs off the street, thinks of us as wasteful! When in fact,  we WORKED for the pleasures of life we're entitled to enjoy today!
     Let me also inform you, that Our Gov'ts of the past have been in the habit of Writing I.O.U.'s to our hard-earned Soc. Security we paid into; taking a little at a time to use for some of their pet projects and then not replacing it later on.(They've done it for many years!)
Obama however, is the main reason our Social Security Income hasn't gotten any bigger is because when Obamacare started on it's disastrous way, he had to pour more money he didn't have and couldn't budget for, from Congress, so he 'Wrote a huge I.O.U. to the tune of circa 650 billion dollars and took the cash we had invested into it for future cost of living increases from the interest that was supposed to be paid from it's investments in other ventures.
     Wondering why we've had little or no increase over the 8 years he was in office???
     "DUH!!" Know what I mean, Vern???  
Just sayin'.

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