Sunday, April 9, 2017


      A clear-cut case of "Not Seeing the forest because of too many trees!" I say this, because we often take for granted, the many good things that come our way almost every day, but take it as something we deserve just because we're here, so why not?
      I wonder if anybody besides me ever stops to think about all the good things we have that just because of repetition, nice things and pleasant people are naturally there and to be expected every day, regardless of how we ourselves feel at that same time! EG; When I walk into my second home every day (Starbuck's) for my morning or afternoon coffee, I see a long line of miscellaneous  Customers, patiently or impatiently waiting to order their favorite, first drink of the day, and the Baristas scurrying around to satisfy their needs, but still having to maintain a pleasant attitude toward the Public, because regardless of the personal problems they all have away from the job, they owe courtesy to the Customer!
     I often have to remind myself that I'm not the only one with everyday problems, but they all do too!
(By watching other people as I do as a 'natural born',  people watcher,) I think of a saying that's so true, "You can make other people's day just by smiling and asking them how they are doing, as if you're pleased to be with them!" Within 3 minutes or so, even if you WERE faking it, You truly ARE  feeling better yourself!
     BINGO!! Other people respond in kind and for the moment, you have made the beginning of their day too! It works in all walks of life, too!
     There's another old saying; "It takes seven muscles to frown and only two to smile,!!"
     The 'Angel' part I started this blog off with concerns the memories of my Mother, whom you will soon agree, was truly one of God's Earth Angels!
     Ella Jean Beutel was born in Jackson Minnesota on April 29th, 1900. At the age of 4, her two German Immigrant Parents travelled to Eureka, Mont. both by train and then 3&1/2 days by horse and wagon. At the age of 18, she met our Canadian Dad, a logger and saw-filer. They were married and after Homesteading a small ranch and having 6 children there, moved across the border to where the remaining 5 of us were born in Fernie, B.C.
     As it turned out, our Dad was severely suffering from PTSD from having been wounded as a machine-gunner in the Canadian forces in the 1st World war.
     Sadly, although he wasn't physically abusive towards our mother, Alcohol would soon reduce him to an Alcoholic and he died as a result of it later on in our years.
     Ella Jean went on to raise 11 of us by herself, through hardships and heartaches that only my Siblings and I have come to reflect back on, can truly understand!
     Ella Jean was raised a Catholic and until her death in 1999, remained one with total Faith and courage only she could fully muster up and explain if she were here now to do it.
     She neither drank or smoked cigarettes in her entire lifetime, and never ever complained when we imbibed in the habits somewhat, ourselves.
    Her lifetime I bring up to you, because if it wasn't for her beautiful sense of humor that I base my original point on, she would never, ever have made it without the help of a husband, alone. Welfare was very familiar to us in those growing years. ( A story for another time!)
    One of my mother's strongest points that played a major role in her well-being was her God-given ability to laugh at her own mistakes, rather than to get distressed. (Over the years, I've been working on that, myself.)
     As a footnote to the beginning of my blog about Angels, I wish to make my point again that All God's Angels don't exist in heaven, but they're right there among us every day.
     These Angels though, walk and talk to us as they go about doing the jobs they have assigned themselves to do without complaining, just as Ella Jean did! 
     Hospital Workers of all jobs lead the way in my estimation as they go on tirelessly satisfying the needs of people just like you and me.
     As serious as their jobs are from the bottom to the top, they still smile at us when we think we have it bad!  To all of God's Earth Angels; We know you're here and there! We just have to be there for you as much as you're there for us!   Just as you all are doing, she surely did hers!
     I like to imagine that when God is flying around above us,  I see my mother Ella Jean, as his Co-Pilot!  Just sayin'!!

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