Wednesday, April 12, 2017


     All things considered!; For me, the last 8 years of Barack Obama's Presidency was the biggest attempt by one group of dominating people who couldn't have been more intent, on taking away our individual, Constitutional Rights to bear Arms than any other time in our history of those Documents.
      Why did they do it, and what for? Now, I first have to consider as I take a brief time to look back at the history of it all, when did something that started out as a suspicion become an actual fact? Because while this bizarre Phenomena of Barack Obama as President was taking place, he was totally bragadashio about being a Constitutional expert who wished to 'spread the word' about his expertise, and teach it. Add that to the announcement he made about his Administration going to be; the most 'Transparent' Administration in the history of the U.S.! The FACT is; To the American People, he was the opposite! To the rest of the World concerning the secrecy of our Top Secret information in the hands of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton?  He WAS! That's exactly what he did, or Didn't do! Those are FACTS!
     Then, as it turns out later on, his speeches were not for the purpose of implanting the word about how usefully important it was to KNOW those powerful Constitutional documents, but for how to use them in criticism AGAINST the use OF them! In other words, it was not to re-enforce the importance of them to the American Populace, but to use them for his own purpose of tearing down the very fabric that made us the Greatest Country on earth in the first place! (Exactly what the rest of the hateful, hostile World towards the U.S. wanted to hear!!) Those are FACTS!
     Just look at the 'Hostile World' for a minute!; The United Nations Group who uses our Tax-payer contributions to help fund themselves, would wipe our only Ally in the Middle East out, just to find a place in Israeli Territory where Christ lived his short life, for Barbarian, Anti-Christ Palestinians who refuse to live anywhere else they've already been offered! (That was only part of Obama's intentions!)
     At first, it was just a suspicion of his true intent to obliterate Israel, but we had to "Read between the lines" of his shadowy prowess to find, it eventually was, a FACT!
     You only had to look at the Atheist/Communist friends he surrounded himself with, to know now what he in FACT, had in mind! !
     One of his first picks for friends after graduating from the Saul Alinsky Atheist based "Midwest Academy" in Chicago, was the Nationally known, avowed and self-proclaimed Communist, Van Jones and his gang of Atheist, Anti-American born friends in the "Muslim Brotherhood"!
    Barack, by the way, sat as Director of the Board of that Academy for two years after his graduation and circa 10 years after Hillary Rodham (Clinton) completed the same course with honors before meeting "Horny Bill"!  More FACTS!
    Then we have in Europe, the European Union who was solidly lined up behind Barack Obama to take a punch at the successful United States of America we've all come to love for 250 years.
    Which brings me to the point of my heading for this blog;
    For 8 solid years, we had a hateful, vigorous group called "Progressive" followers led and paid for by Atheist Billionaire Gyorgy Schwartz (Alias George Soros)  cheer this un-American President on, while they all took part in kicking, punching and viciously rioting throughout  all our major Cities by use of misinformed, un-Constitutional Millennials living off the taxpayer dollars, due to laziness or lack of work!
     As far as I know unless proven otherwise, all events I've pointed out here, are FACTS!
     So back to the 2nd Amendment and a very serious question; Why in God's name, would we be so foolish as to allow anybody who actively backed Barack Obama and his paid for Gang of 40,000 thieves who terrified this Nation for 8 solid years, to bear arms under that provision when all they've done is abuse the Constitutional system and then stand behind it for their own protection to start with??? Who do you think they're gonna' be shooting at?? HUH?? And why???   Know what I mean, Vern??
     Because I know of one personally who I was told, is packing one!! Good Gosh!!
      He's a danger to himself, without one!! Let's just hope he shoots himself in the lower torso, somewhere!    Just sayin'.

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