Monday, January 30, 2012


     Comment for the day: Nero fiddled while Rome burned
      It's interesting to see how people can be so underhanded and crappy to someone who offers an opinion when it doesn't agree with other's around you. But it happens and all I can do is proceed with my thoughts and exercise my Freedom of expression, regardless of the loss of someone I thought was close to me. But the folks I'm referring to really weren't close anyway. I was just naive enough to think they were. It hurts, but I can handle it.
     I don't mean the voters, I mean the loyal, dedicated Liberal Socialists who have dirtied the name "Democrat", to the point that I'll bet the true "Reagan" Democrats are glad the Marxists are now referring to themselves as "Progressives." ( I guess it's their soft way of saying "Socialist" without swearing.)
      The fact is, they don't want to be revealed for the "Anti-God, Anti-Constitutional, Anti- American  Devil followers" that they really are!! They prey on the ignorant and uninformed in order that they can scrape up more votes at Election time. But brother, watch out for the fraudulent and illegal votes than the Socialists have so heavily depended on in the past. Although there are investigations under way, they're going to do it again.
      There's no way they would have the control that they do, otherwise.
      You can't tell me that a Country with 90% believers in God and has established it's rule of law in accordance with the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, would willfully vote for what they "really" have in mind. Why do you think Barack Obama was so tickled to jump on the "Occupier's" bandwagon and instantly send his "Community Organizers" out there to get them organized? The first thing they did was take their home-made cardboard signs away and provide them with nice, new, professionally made ones that all looked the same. They aren't intending to further educate those people so they can compete and earn an honest living, and they won't either! They simply want their votes, legally or illegally and they don't care which.
      They don't intend to educate the voting masses with their true intent, otherwise they wouldn't make it. They have to do it by deception. They"re not looking for brains.
      In my discussions with people who still intend to vote "Democrat", they think they're voting for the system of the past. They refuse to believe otherwise, and think it's outrageous when you tell them different.They think you're just having a bad dream and that's what the "Socialists" want them to think.
      If we don't fight back and rightfully take control through honest ballots, they'll have this country in a position where it will be impossible to change back.    Just sayin'.

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