Thursday, February 2, 2012


     In the past 4 years, I decided to begin paying a lot more attention to Politics and how Democracy works. Having lived in a Socialist system in Canada, I wasn't satisfied with the lack of freedom that was instilled there in the latter years and chose to exercise my right as a natural born citizen of the U.S. to move down here. I was born in Canada but of American parent, so when I received my papers stating I was american from the day I was born, I was told by the Immigrations Judge that being born out of the country, I wasn't eligible to run for President. I left a lot behind by moving down here, but I'm still happy that I did.
     What I didn't expect to see happen, was the way the Socialist movement slowly and deceptively began to take over in this great Country in the same familiar way it did in Canada. It's here, and more than that, it's well on it's way. Watching it happen has caused me to fight it with the only way I can, and that's by battling it with a freedom that's still afforded to me by a Constitution. Freedom of speech. In Canada, there was no constitution to protect your rights and freedom of speech. e.g. there is a law that can land you in jail for speaking against homosexuality.
     I began blogging and putting my opinions and observations in writing. As I go, I'm learning more and more. It's not pretty, but it's reality.
I've taken a path that I know is distasteful to 15 or 20 % of this Country. That would also be 15 or 20 % of the people I know personally. The pain, most of all, is in knowing that even though I don't want them to dislike me because of my political direction and exercise my right to do so, they would chose to do it anyway. In their eyes, the friendship wasn't worth it. After the separation of relationship takes place in it's subtle way, I've come to the sad realization that their friendship wasn't worth it either.
      Slowly, our current President is dividing what was a solid nation of people who, by sticking together through thick and thin, became the greatest free nation in the world by far over a period of 250 years.
      Barack Obama, along with his chosen Communist "Lieutenants", is attempting to tear this country apart, piece by piece. He is surgically cutting his way through everything this country stands for and laughing at us while he does it.
     Today, he joined a church group to lead them in prayer, in hopes of the Sheeple believing he trusts in God. He doesn't! At least not a Christian or Judeo one.
     I believe he wants to ravage this country to the ground and then rebuild it to his own liking. An Atheist, Marxist one.
     He has begun to ignore the proper process set forth by our Constitution and Bill of Rights as the President. Congress means nothing to him in his quest for power. Researchers are catching up to his lies of the past and his mysterious background. There's research surfacing that he was born in Kenya on August fourth, 1961. This is according to information on an application he filled out in Indonesia for a passport to visit Pakistan under his "phony" birth name "Barry Soetoro" and later changed back to Barack Obama. In his application, he claimed his name as Barry Soetoro, born in Kenya 08/04/61. Of course he wasn't, because his mother married into that name  well after he was born. His mother became "Ann Dunham Soetoro". He did in fact, visit Pakistan at a time when he could not have used an American passport due to the fact there was a "No travel" order issued for American Citizens. Proof of birthplace was necessary to enter Pakistan. Also to obtain British or Indonesian passports. It's strongly suspected he held all three! So who is this man, the son of an Islamist who later died an Atheist, not an Islamist? How is this mysterious man, the most powerful man in the world, an Islamist/Atheist /Christian allowed to remain clouded in mystery without having to answer to it?
      Justice Antonin Scalia announced to Gary Kreep of the "United States Justice Foundation", that the U.S. Supreme Court will hear the case brought in a lawsuit by 11 law firms representing 12 States, questioning Obama's claim he was born in Hawaii on that date.
      On top of that, He entered Occidental College on a foreign student scholarship grant after convincing them he qualified as a foreign student from Indonesia. If he was born in Hawaii, he wouldn't have been eligible for the grant. He received the Grant.
      If he was raised in Indonesia by his white, paternal Grandparents, both U.S. citizens and both missionaries, how is it there is evidence that he was adopted by an Indonesian Step-father at the age of 7, and raised in Indonesia? He was raised by his Maternal Grandparents who were missionaries in Indonesia. He wasn't raised by his mother! Wonder how that came about?
      There is also an investigation underway that he has illegally spent $950,000.00 out of his campaign money for personal use in legal attempts to thwart the revealing of his personal records. That's just a small sample! What you really want to worry about, is where all that Stimulus money went to that no one can account for! You don't hear him asking do you? Wouldn't you think, as long as he's President, he'd want to know?? It stinks with implicity and the first sign of implication. Get the drift??
       Just sayin'.

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