Sunday, January 29, 2012


      OF course, I've written about this before, but to get the message through, I'm going to point this out again so it will encourage newcomers to my blogs to recognize the phony ploy the "Seminar" Liberal/Socialists use.
      Even to this day, even though certain "Token" Liberals hired by Fox News to defend the obvious "Left" so it appears they are "Fair and Balanced", I'll refer to them as "Centrists" instead of  the Marxist/Socialists they still really are. Although they appear to have come halfway to their senses in the respect they say they have a religion now, don't allow yourselves to be fooled by it. Obviously, I don't!! They're there for the money first, their beliefs second, but they're all graduates of the "Midwest Academy" doctrine in one way or another. They are all experts at "Community Organizing".
      Kirsten Powers, Geraldo Rivera and Bob Beckel are the frontrunners in this regard. But don't let me forget Alan Colmes, the phony leader of them all. No matter what, including Juan Williams and Shepard Smith, They are going to push the Immigration agenda, the African American agenda, the Gay agenda and the "Midwest Academy" Marxist agenda as well. Read one of my previous blogs about the "Midwest Academy". It's guaranteed to open your eyes!
      They carry with them the habits ingrained in their minds from the Liberal "Seminars" they've attended over the years. I call it the "Zombie" affect.e.g. When in discussion with a person with different views, they will make a statement or accusation, using up all the time allowed for them and then some. When the adversary responds with a rebuttal, they interfere by overtalking, not letting up while the other person is talking. Then the phony smile appears. they use it in response to being exposed as having said a falsehood, after they have made a statement of any kind and to cover embarrassments of any kind. They also laugh when the adversary makes a sensible remark. They do it without fail, and without conscience or remorse. They seem to be in a trained "Zombie" state. Hilary Clinton looked that way during Obama's State of the Union speech. Biden too.
      What annoys me more than anything is, the moderators seldom step in to stop it. In fact, some of them seem to enjoy it!
      A simple step would stop it if the moderator shut off their microphones in order that the opposition could finish their response. By the way, if they're Lefties, place a Lucifer mask on them too!
      Only kidding of course.         Just sayin'.


  1. George, I just checked out Midwest Academy. Read about their board of directors and you see a whole group of people hell bent of taking from others. What a scarry bunch of anti-Americans.

  2. Yes Rob. Sorry I missed your comment until now. Every one of them are Atheists and all from the same Chicago area. All connected to the Academy.
