Sunday, April 24, 2016


     Make no mistake! Hillary has already said she believes in, and intends to follow Obama's direction he is presently pursuing in the United States and ultimately, the rest of the World.
     What could be plainer than that? "World Gov't Control"
     You see, she and Bill have already reached the Billionaire status through the establishment of  'The Clinton Foundation'! by way of the speeches she so readily made behind closed doors. She made them to the tune of a quarter million dollars or more to the heads of America's top enemies of the past and present.
     A lot of this done while on official business as Secretary of State and at the taxpayer's dime. Yes! Some speeches netted 4 to 6 hundred thousand dollars apiece and amounting to one hour or less per speech.
     What was contained in her speeches? Well, just like the Benghazi incident where 3 gallant fighters and a U.S. Ambassador were slaughtered, we will never know! What we do know is; The "One Per Cent'ers" of which her and Bill belong, will be immune from the grasp of a World Gov't because they will own it!
     All this, along with Barack Obama's way of behavior; When Obama became President, he instead assumed the position of "Owner" of our Country in which the Nation belonged to him, rather than a President who was hired to serve a Country "Of the People, By the People and For the People" as was always intended.
     Ever since, he has ignored the Constitutional process and has virtually named his price and sold everything that made our Country great for 250 years to the rest of the Hostile, un-earning World.
     Who learned from his behavior? None better than Hillary Rodham Clinton who, as Secretary of State 'opened the books' to the rest of those same Countries through her unrestricted servers.
.  All of this, resulting in huge strides Militarily and financially by those Countries as well.
     Keep this in mind while she spins her yarns of "Free this, and Free that" with the help of Cohort Bernie Communist Sanders to the young, unaware American Voters, both legal and illegal.
     How will she accomplish that?; By the pollsters allowing all illegals to vote, by hook or by crook!   Just sayin'.

Saturday, April 23, 2016


     I wonder what it is he can contribute there, that he never took the time to tell America's youth here?
     It appears, as I've pointed out in a previous blog, that he has already self elevated to President of the "New World Order" in which he has left the concerns of his  abnormal, insane   U.S. Presidency of illegal 'Executive Orders' up to his desired successor whomever that may be, to pursue his dream of conquering global warming.
     It must be obvious to most of you by now, he has totally concerned himself through his Atheist/Muslim eyes with the affairs of all the 'Old world' that has been backing his destruction of the "American Way" since he became U.S. President.
     With the exception of a very few true Allies such as Australia, it is beyond doubt anymore that the  rest of the World would like to see the U.S. Constitutional System that has been our backbone and Christian-based strength throughout the past 250 years, taken down to the equivalence of a Third World, Socialist/Communist Country.
     In his never ending tour of the World as though he already is the World's ultimate Leader, he seems to think we as normal Americans will forget how he turned our college-age youths into dissenting, riotous and destructive beings that have assumed that 'Law and Order' is a thing to be defied.
     Aside from that, when did he ever speak to our 'up and coming' adults respectfully about Constitutional obedience and the rule of Law?? Anybody??   Just sayin'.

Friday, April 22, 2016


      Barack Obama and his Cohorts are now in full gear with their push to de-Americanize the American way by touring the rest of the World visiting all of the Countries determined for years to be in opposition to the United  States of America.
      When visiting Britain, they have all but bypassed the British Gov't and Gov't business to lay their blessings on the Queen. Let's not forget the Queen is NOT who presently runs that Country, but instead, represents the memory of Totalitarianism that existed at the time of our Declaration of Independence and we chased their asses through the briars and the brambles to the Gulf of Mexico.
      Combine that with the fact that Obama's also been allying his opinions and presence to Communist Cuba and doing the bum-bump with the Castro brothers while he should have been home taking care of urgent business here.
      Haven't you all noticed how Obama and John Kerry have been restricting U.S. World business almost not solely discussed within the presence of Congress, but with the U.N., European Union, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Russia?
      Have you also noticed he has 'kicked the can down the road' when it comes to the real danger of ISIS beheading everyone who isn't Muslim, but is now fully placing his concentration on Global warning that will enable him to finally get the "other world" united in something, ANYTHING that he finally can say, "I've brought the World together" in his sad legacy of failures?
      Combine that with Hillary Clinton announcing loud and clear that she intends to continue Barack Obama's Agenda for the future exactly the same if she becomes the First Woman President of the United States.     
     What then,do you have to expect from her as well?
      All I can say if she gets in is; "Welcome to the new  USSR! United States Socialist (Communist) Republic!"    Just sayin'.