Friday, November 11, 2011


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     Canada has a tentative agreement to supply oil to the main Continent of the U.S.from the oil sands in Canada, by way of a pipeline from the Northern border to the Southern border of Mexico. A quick,long term step on the way to energy independence for the two countries. The EPA is holding up the whole affair by standing firmly in the way. They, in fact control the President right now, since he needs their votes to fulfill his quest for a 2nd term. That's why he has delayed his decision to permit the pipeline until after 2012 and the election. He's their puppet!
    China has made a bid to Canada for the same oil. China is speeding up it's quest to buy all of the oil reserves that are available in the world, not only when it's supplied to them, but before it ever leaves the ground.
    This would eventually permit China to control all of the oil and gas supplies in the entire world aside from OPEC. By that time, China might not give them a choice either.
    Canada needs to start producing the oil as quickly as possible and would like to sell it to their neighbors rather than China. They need to stimulate their economy too. but they aren't so neighborly as to let there own coffers be empty when they can get a commitment and immediate cash from China.
    Although the EPA knows all this, for the sake of the (!@#$%^&) environment, they intend to delay, without compromise, the pipeline being constructed.
    Tens of thousands of jobs would be created by the project. Oil prices in the U.S. would become more stabilized. If it doesn't happen, we as a result, will still be handcuffed by OPEC to purchase their high priced oil!
    Let's not kid ourselves, here! The intent of the EPA and all it's political allies, is to force this country into having no choice but to turn to alternative energy, and that's realistically not financially achievable considering the circumstances we are all in right now. Except for the employees with the EPA.
    You see, they have managed to place themselves in a position of such importance right now, that they are indestructible, irremovable and irreplaceable. As a result, uncompromisable.
    As I pointed out in a previous blog, they totally refuse to compromise. This Country is on the brink of economic disaster, AND THEY DON'T CARE!!!!
    Even though the unions, who would desperately like to put their members to work are requesting them to allow this, THEY DON'T CARE!!!
    Yesterday, The Canadian Energy Secretary announced they have begun talks with China and definitely will commit their oil to them, if the EPA doesn't very soon agree to the pipeline.
    The Federal Gov.t needs to temporarily suspend the abusive powers of the EPA, and let this take place. Where on earth did the backbone disappear to when it comes to the EPA?
    It's time we told them what they CAN'T do at a crucial time like this.     Just sayin'.

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