Thursday, February 16, 2012


     In a previous blog I pointed out the debating habits of the "Seminar Socialists". Lets make it clear right now. I say Socialists rather than Liberals from now on because the true Liberal doesn't apply anymore. The true Liberals have departed from the scene and what's left is a far cry from the Liberals of old. There's hardly a similarity left.
     I use the term "Seminar" because after a little research, I discovered there are seminars in which Socialists are taught how to behave exactly the same way when debating the opposition or when discussing politics with anyone who doesn't agree with their point of view. The "Midwest Academy" in Chicago is one of those, established by Barack Obama. They specialize in teaching "Community Organizing"
     They laugh when caught in a lie, They filibuster the opposition when it's not their turn to speak and they continue overtalking until you can't be heard. They also start laughing at you like you're a fool, particularly when you're right about what you say. They'll flat out lie if they have to, and they get away with it if you don't call them on it.
     The best way in my estimation is to silence them by pointing it out to the listening audience. It alerts the viewers as to what the phony, corny strategy is they're using.
     Just a year or so ago, if you called a Liberal a Socialist, it was vehemently denied, even though to anybody else who had already lived under the "Mandate" atmosphere, it was glaringly apparent. Most mandates are a violation of your Constitutional rights!
     You may not have recognized it, but The laws established by the individual States are often times "mandated". In other words, the rules they establish are in contradiction of your freedom of movement, your freedom of speech and freedom of expression. But they have done it and will do it because they know that individuals could never sustain the cost of carrying it to the upper courts. To add to that, if you really could afford to take it to higher levels, it would never get past the 9th Circuit Court of appeals, because the Socialists already established Judges there who would automatically refuse to hear it or would rule on behalf of the State simply because they believe in Socialist "Mandates". Most mandates are unconstitutional because they are established without the consent of the voter.  If you had unlimited money and you could get it to the Supreme Court, they would rule in your favor and justice would finally be served because they are violating your Constitutional rights. Hence the reason the Socialists would love to be able to ignore the Constitution and get away with it. It's why it is so vitally important that the U.S. Supreme Court never comes under the control of Socialist minded Judges such as Ruth Bader Ginsberg. It's dangerously close as it is! Barack Obama has taken the bold step of establishing Mandates by bypassing the Constitution and the Congress and misusing the privilege of Executive order. He has no respect for the U.S. Constitution.
      They despise it when the rules they want to pass are deemed unconstitutional. They preach against it, teacher's union leaders encourage teachers not to include it in the curriculum because it obstructs the philosophy of Socialist learning The Socialists have only taken control because of the misuse of voter privileges. A recent investigation is just now revealing the voter fraud committed by the Socialist Regime in getting Obama elected to the Presidency. 24 million illegally counted votes in the 2008 Presidential election, either dead or incorrect ballots with multiple people voting in as many as 3 different electorates.
     That's a result of left leaning "Acorn" for you. A company established by Barack Obama, used to encourage people to vote his way.
     The recent news of this was printed in a Liberal "left" newspaper today. The Skagit Valley Herald.
 However they tried to point out that they were the result of innocent mistakes. What???
     Question: What do you think of "Media Matters" assahole?        Just sayin'.

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