Monday, February 20, 2012


       In case you haven't looked lately, this is not the time to put a deadly stranglehold on the weary tax payers and the enormously unemployed working class for the sake of the wishes of the special interest groups including the EPA.
       I watch the animal planet a lot anymore and it's like watching the hungry alligators going for the throats of the starving wildebeasts crossing the river to reach the badly needed grass on the other side of the river.
      In this case though, it's the Socialists going after the general population of the United States. Unfortunately they're trying to put a stranglehold on us at a time when we're at our poorest ,weakest and most vulnerable time period. They see the economy as their most valuable tool to change the system in such a way we can never go back to the way it was prior to the economic downturn. this is their only chance and they know it! If it doesn't occur while we're at our weakest, they won't be able to do it again for many years ahead. They're absolutely desperate to gain total control.
      All the major changes they're wanting to make are scheduled not to come into effect until after the November 2012 election. Why do you think they timed it that way? Tax raises of monstrous proportions are lying ahead for everyone who works for a living. Bar none. Even some of the Democratic Congressmen are starting to realize how bad this new system is going to be. That's because They voted for it without reading it, and now it's coming to light.
      I suggest You tune into Rush Limbaugh if you think I'm stretching this. He's on in the mornings on 770 AM, Monday through Friday.
      Please don't get me wrong! I love this earth as much as any Radical Environmentalist and would like to see it respected. But respected with a little common sense. We all know how expensive alternative energy is right now. It's just not within any reasonable financial reach.
     With the downturn in our economy and so many folks out of work, it's not the time to impose mandates that cripple us even more than necessary. Instead of loosening up the the EPA restrictions, they have tightened them even more. Why? Because if they can corral us tight enough now, they can have their way even more in the future.
      Right now Obama is trying to restrict our access to religion, at the same time claiming to be a Christian. If it doesn't look like a duck, walk like a duck and can't fly without Air Force One, it's not a duck!.    Just sayin'.

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