Sunday, February 12, 2012


     They are all going to be governed by Shariah Law. Barack Obama already has been. He's a Muslim. Don't even think he might be "Christian", as he claims.
He was born one, raised one and has never quit being one. He backed the rebels in Lybia for only one reason. It was not on behalf of Democracy. He knew from behind the scenes that the rebel leaders had no use for the U.S. and would invoke Shariah Law. In his farsighted ambitions, He knew that someone like Moammar Gadaffi would not be a friend of his no matter what happens in the future. The same with Syria's Asad. They would both resist him and his policies.
      As I pointed out in other blogs, Barack Hussein Obama is positioning himself to be the future leader of "The New World Order". He'll need those Arab countries to support his intentions when that happens. He has promised big things to his supporters in the future.
      He doesn't fool me at all. He only wants to hang in there as President of the United States until he has reduced us to another of his third world Socialist countries. He's positioning himself for total control! He has already stirred up the American Muslims into believing in Shariah Law.
      Where else would all those trillions of dollars disappear to? All of the billionaires that support him will be, or have been, issued waivers by executive orders with the intention of receiving a piece of the pie later on. They will be exempt from the Socialist mandates, or so they think.
      He has to convert this Country to Socialism in order to advance his idea of total control.
His behavior of recent days especially indicates he has no intention of leaving the White House until he has accomplished that task. In fact, he is so sure of himself he is already imposing mandates by executive order that defy Congress, Christianity and Judaism. His only hope now is to speed up the process before he leaves office. His failure is in the making and he's starting to panic.
      Imagine what he could do in the two months he will still have to serve if he gets voted out in November.
      The smartest thing Congress and the Supreme Court could do is escort him out of office the minute the votes get counted. Or before then, if his greed appears to get any more radical.  Just sayin'.

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