The economy: Obama's for all of the above, but at the same time he's for none of the above.
The energy situation: He's for all of the above, but for none of the above. He wants petroleum prices to go up to justify the "Green" EPA thing. Yet he wants prices to come down until after the 2012 election. It seems all of his wishes are designed until " after" the election. Does it pass the smell test?
The world crisis: He's for all of the above, except he's for none of the above. He wants all Socialists to be exempt from mandates, but he wants all the rest to be Sheeple and submissives to his desires.
Promotion of Islam in the U.S.: He's for all of the above but again for none of the above. He claims to be a convert to Christianity. But at the same time he is deathly afraid he might offend the radical Muslims. Which do you think? Do hypocrites rank?
Promotion of Christianity in the U.S.: He's for all of the above, yet for none of the above. Once again, should hypocrites be our President?
For the protection of Israel: All of the above but none of the above.(There needs to be something in it for him,first. Remember, it's all about money, and that's all about him.)
Promotion of Marxist/Socialism: He's definitely for all of the above but not until he get's re-elected in Nov., 2012. when he can finish locking the U.S. down with illegal "executive privileges". For his supporters though,they are exempt.
Improving a cleaner, greener earth: For all of the above immediately, but only after there is no more "free" air left to breathe.
I ask you this, what good is "pure" water when we're all floating around at the bottom of the pool?
I'll bet P.M. Netanyahu was as confused after his visit to Obama as he was when he came!
This President has wasted more taxpayer money on getting re-elected than any other President in history.
How has he done it? I suspect by spending trillions of dollars on "Stimulus" projects in this country and around the world in exchange for promises that portions of it can be filtered back to him and his re-election campaign. It's obvious to me he did it with the major Unions.
He refuses answers to any questions of where a sizable part of the "Stimulus" money went to or why. He absolutely will not allow himself to be accountable.
The most disappointing thing of all, though is, the rest of the failed Socialist world including our own laughable "Democratic" Party stands behind his permanent, damaging actions. They're tickled to death to see the world's most powerful man bring this country to it's knees, even if it's for his own selfish greed. There's no doubt that 33% of the registered voters are going to vote "Democrat", no matter what! But I know the rest can clearly see why they shouldn't. Especially when they can see "Marxism" in the making.
What else scares me is, a lot of his political opposition, when asked if they think he is a Socialist, hesitate to say "Yes." He clearly is, so it makes me wonder what "real" path they're intending to follow if they win the Presidency?
Let's call him what he is, Folks. "If it looks like a duck,walks like a duck and flies like Air Force One, it's a duck"!!!! (I could be wrong, so who knows?) Just sayin'.
Additional comments as of Mar. 15th 2012.