Tuesday, April 24, 2012


     There's a large bloc of undecided voters out there, just waiting to be convinced who to vote for. Their knowledge on politics is limited because the only time they usually pay attention to the incumbents and the challengers is at election time.
      For various reasons of their own in the past, they felt they had better things to do with their off work hours than to keep track of politics. They simply depended on their favorite News channel to convey the election information in a simple way to indicate who they should vote for, and that was good enough for them. If they are convinced by the superficial reporting of the facts and figures they hear and see, they vote that way, assuming naturally that they're being told the truth as they have been in the past. If they only knew!!! There is no honest Democratic Party anymore!
      These listeners are the real, Independent citizen who knows there's something wrong with the Country, but since they haven't had to learn more about the system in the past, they aren't aware of the mistruths that are being peddled to them and who's doing it. They only want things to get better.
      Now, Among'st these people who are also called the "swing" voters, if you take an expert, convincing speaker who is bettered by none in communications and public speaking, he or she can spellbound the audience with simple understandable lingo that they understand. The speaker knows he is captivating the audience and while they're in that captivated mode, gives out facts and figures that can be totally erroneous, but it doesn't matter,because the speaker knows that at least half of the listeners are going to believe it anyway and he has their vote. Who fits the "speaker" bill?? Barack Hussein Obama!!!!! And totally at the taxpayer's expense because he has manufactured some fickle reason he's in that particular town on official business.
      My point is, because the figures and comments aren't necessarily coming from him, but from one of several teleprompters in front of him, it's a speech that's not manufactured by him, but by the great, "Well oiled machine" that's really running the show from behind the scenes. The Marxist/Socialist group who always hides in the wings. Debbie Wasserman Schultz for example.
      Romney isn't necessarily at fault here. He's right in his messages, but he's failing to communicate to the same crowd Obama is talking to because he's talking over their heads with information that's too involved and too much all at once for them to take the time to understand. Bad economy, jobs, creating private sector stability and lowering unemployment they've already heard a hundred times, and half of it out of the mouth of Barack Obama! They don't know who's telling the truth except to know Obama's more convincing and therefore his remarks are going to stay in their mind longer.
      They don't know when he's lying or when Romney is. Obama and the "Well oiled machine" knows they can cinch 50% of the Independent vote as long as half the group I'm referring to believe him. They will then depend on the usually expected fraudulent voters to push them over the top.
      BINGO!!! They're in!!! So unless Romney and his backers start playing hardball and get directly down to pointing out to the voters the blatant dishonesty in the remarks and disinformation being fed them and in a way this particular bloc of Independent voters understand, they're going to allow Barack Obama to smirk his arrogant way back into the White House. His secret is talking in their language. The truth, to him, matters not. He simply blurts out things you want to hear with absolutely no regard to the dishonesty in it. Every day they can prove something he says a lie, because it is!!
      If they can't dig up the gonads to bring out the hypocrisy and fight fire with fire, they don't deserve to win. Once they have proven the dishonesty that truly exists in this guy and hit below the belt in the same manner he is doing, his manner of sounding honest will diminish in the eyes of the people who count the most in this election. The Independent voter.
      Just sayin.

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