Monday, April 30, 2012


      Circa sixty seven years ago, the "Cold War" between "True" Democracy and "Marxist" based Communism began. East Berlin had fallen to the Soviet Bloc and West Berlin to the United States, Britain and their Democratized Allies. Almost immediately the flood of refugees from East Berlin to West Berlin began with the realization of the Refugees that they had at last been freed from Hitler's tyrannical regime only to be dumped into the Clutches of Russian Communism.
      The Communists saw this mass exodus going on and to stop it, they erected the infamous Berlin Wall.
      The weapons race was on with the Allies continually gaining the upper hand as the Cold war progressed over the years. The Communist inspired Nations, mainly the Chinese and North Koreans became involved in the race, mainly backed by the United Soviet Socialist Republic. The "U.S.S.R."
      The USSR had simply enveloped the Slavic/Russian speaking Nations that had previously been invaded and held by the Nazi Regime of Adolph Hitler. From the frying pan into the fire, you could say, because life under the Russian rule, was worse for them after the Soviet takeover than before.
      Their lives were now governed by Socialist Mandates, one after the other.
      I must point out that although the Communists competed with us in both domestic and military means, only once did they excel over us in the regard that they managed to put an astronaut into space just shortly before we did. That was very short lived because on July 21st, 1969, Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon and no one else from another country has ever done it since.
      The Communist nations, their populace living perpetually in Socialist world poverty, have not even tried it, even with the help of the Administration of Bill Clinton and now the Marxist/Socialist Administration of Barack Obama allowing them to help themselves to our latest technology.
      Under Democracy and Free market Capitalism, the United States and the common people have flourished beyond any other country in the World, bar none.
      Our big mistake in my way of thinking, is we're killing ourselves with kindness to the other envious nations who would like nothing better, than to see America reduced to a 3rd world status.
      With the Socialist Countries having bankrupcy around their necks like a hangman's noose, a true proof of philosophy failure because of the tail wagging the dog, here we are about to watch the "Well oiled Socialist Regime" led by Barack Obama, force it down our throats! Is there something wrong with this picture?
       Does this make sense to you??? Instead of the Marxist/Socialist nations developing their own technology, they were and are, simply letting us go to the expense of developing it, and then sucking  it out of us by one means or another. For example, during the Clinton Administration,  diplomat by the last name of Lee, a scientist and assistant to the North Korean Ambassador at the time, was allowed to come and go without restriction into the Dept. of Energy. His visits were back and forth many times.
     The Dept. just happens to house the latest in Nuclear and Top secret energy technology. It's curious to note that Bill Richardson, the Secretary of Energy, claims to have known nothing about it at the time.
     Duh!! Many top secret documents disappeared concerning nuclear weapons and long range missile technology. The next thing you know, North Korea announced it had finally developed this technology. Coincidence? I don't think so.
        The next "oops" was when they finally got bin Laden and had to leave a disabled transport helicopter behind that just happened to have the latest in battle technology aboard. No self destruct capabilities though!! And then a drone with the latest search and destroy capabilities aboard wanders away and safely lands itself in hostile Pakistani territory. Again with no self destruct capabilities aboard. The Pakistanis (and who else) set to dismantling that equipment immediately.
      My question to all of this is; After analyzing the whole World situation, why on earth would we want to change from the best standard of living in the world, to follow the lead of a bunch of proven failures? Why should we feel ashamed of our standard of living just because the rest of the world didn't have the gumption to follow us instead of Communism and Socialism? They lost, we won!  Why give up the luxuries we enjoy for the sake of the rest of the world? Why??? It's obvious that if we do, they're still going to despise us anyway! I'll repeat what I quoted from a retired American General in an earlier blog, "I wonder who dislikes us the most, the ones where we kicked their asses, or the ones where we saved them??"  It's food for thought.  Just sayin'.

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