Saturday, May 5, 2012


      The greatest drain on the American way of life besides a Recession/Depression, (If you still have some work, it's a lull in the economy, if you're still collecting Unemployment benefits and are about to lose your home, it's a Recession and if you have depleted your Unemployment benefits and are on food stamps and Welfare, and have lost your home, it's definitely a Depression. You can take it on yourself to determine what category you fit into.) is the outsourcing of jobs in general to other countries of the world besides ours.
      It's really quite simple to reason why this has taken place. The major manufacturing and service companies have been allowed to expand to the point where they have taken control of the competitors either by buying them out with an "offer they can't refuse" or by underpricing the smaller competitors out of business. Eliminating competition eliminates competitive prices. This happened under the noses of our Government because of a lack of regulations that could have been in place to protect the consumer's interest. Namely by not allowing one  Corporation to eliminate it's competitors to the point where it it has total control over the market. Once the major Corporations took control, they then convinced the Gov't. to allow job outsourcing to other countries that have a much lower standard of living and pay rate than this country has. Again due to lack of consumer protection regulation. Some Companies didn't even have to outsource to do it, such as Power companies and Utility companies. They pretty much charge what they want, like it or lump it. You simply have no choice but to pay the costs or have those very essential services cut off. Again because the Gov't neglected to be sure there were consumer protection regulations in place requiring a certain amount of minimum competitors. To put it gently, gov't regulations are more and more for regulating the consumer rather than protecting them. And then some Gov't Agencies regulate just for the sake of being there. First for the power, and then for the tenured money. They're virtually recession proof.
      For instance, the infamous EPA. Immune from Civil prosecution, they're untouchable.
      So what's this "Moving forward" stuff that the Atheist/Socialists are telling us? They can only mean retraining to more menial jobs than the jobs that once were, because the productive jobs are now over in China and other Third world countries and until we, the people, install a gov't that's willing to regulate the deportation of productive jobs through proper regulation, it's going to continue happening. Otherwise the expression of Obama's called "moving forward" actually means moving "backward" to the standard of living in the third world countries. How could it possibly mean anything else?
      So what they're really saying to us is, "Quit complaining, take what we have to offer you, get on with it, like it or lump it !!"
      I believe the "Well Oiled Machine", along withe Barack Obama, has the notion we have been living too lavish a lifestyle in the past while other 3rd world countries have not, and they're going to change that notion to teach us "freedom loving, greedy Americans" a lesson. A "Different direction" is their motto but it's certainly not "true" North they're talking about.
      Otherwise, they would have taken the time to present us with a better plan, don't you think?
      Can you think of any other logical reason for their Godless, brain dead planning?
      Once again, the silence is deafening!!   Just sayin'.

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