Tuesday, July 24, 2012


      And it should be, shouldn't it? Well, allow me to critique it, if you don't mind.
      The voter laws. They're clear throughout the States and upheld by the States. It's clear, that if you're a legal citizen of the U.S., you are eligible to vote in any public election. All you need to do, is prove it with personal, proper I.D. You can first register to vote. Then, if you haven't already, fill out your ballot correctly and then VOTE!! Do you see anything complicated about that??
       Well, over the years, people cheated. People operating the polls have aided in the cheating. People have voted more than once at different polling stations. People have falsified papers to register to vote.
      Do you realize the ripple effect that takes place when just one person falsifies a vote? If they voted for someone else other than you did, they have just cancelled your precious, sacred vote. The one thing that you have clung to that proves you have not committed crimes against your neighbors. A right afforded you as poor as you may be, or as rich as you may be, you are equal to each other because you  both have only one vote. It's the one time that every legal and qualified U.S. citizen can say they are, according to the laws of our U.S. Constitution, equal in accordance with our voting laws. The only other time we're going to all be equal is when we die. So don't let them take it from us.
      Elections have been bought and sold for years by politicians persuading voters with money to vote their way. There are many underhanded ways to see that someone votes one way or the other, but even though the power of persuasion was used, the system still worked decently well, because the tactics used were still kept within the confines of assumption that all the votes were still legally cast.
      But it's gotten far beyond that. The intention of the Justice Dept. under the direction of Eric Holder,  is trying to interfere with States who are intending to enforce the requirement that voters produce I.D. before they vote. Of course it's broadly known and spreading rapidly that Barack Obama is counting on illegal and fraudulent votes to stay in office. It's that simple.
      As the polls are beginning to indicate, he is probably getting the correct notion he won't be re-elected and with that goes his "Dreams from his father". His dream being, to take control of this great country by hook or by crook. So he's using the Justice Dept. to do what ever it takes to accomplish that task.
     Imagine the U.S. Dept. of Justice going out of it's way to block the States from enforcing a law that's so sacred and important to each and every one of us.
     Their intention is clear now, they've been so bold as to not care if they've exposed their intentions. They are hell bent on allowing felons and illegals to vote and not allowing pollsters to stop them. This allows every illegal vote to nullify a legal one.
     A Justice Dept. under the Control of Barack Obama with a Director who allowed an illegal alien drug smuggler to shoot one of our border guards to death, with an automatic weapon that was secretly sold to him by permission of the Director, Eric Holder. The Republican Congress has charged Holder with Contempt of Congress for not turning over the 170,000 documents that he's withholding concerning the case. Barack Obama has issued an executive order to Holder to seal the documents from Congress.
     Can you believe it?? We have a President gone amuck !!   Just sayin.'

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