Wednesday, August 15, 2012


      You can stop right now, because they are living so well on the welfare assistance cheques and gratuities they're receiving that they'll tell you they aren't really looking for work.
      In a recent random interview with black unemployed people in Harlem New York by Fox News' roving reporter Jesse Watters asked people standing on the streets, why they weren't working? Since the unemployment figure hangs at over 30%, you would think they'd be anxious to, wouldn't you? But they aren't. Why? Because they told him they were satisfied with the way they get by on the money they receive from the gov't every month. They explained it was simply this; the jobs that were offered them didn't pay any more than what they were already getting by not working.
     Theses people are living in a welfare environment that allows them to be content with never working again unless they can go back to the jobs they once had at a much higher rate of pay. The fact is, those jobs are now in other parts of the world due to the World Trade Organization coming to an agreement with each other, including the United States, permitting outsourcing of those same jobs for a much cheaper rate of pay in Third world countries, without imposing regulatory tariffs to compensate the people within our own country for the loss.
      Those jobs are now gone forever, Folks!!
      Even the bill collectors calling us for overdue payments and debts brought on by the WTO actions are from other countries asking what we intend to do about our overdue bills!!
      Just what do YOU think can be done about it? Should you be feeling sorry for anyone who doesn't wish to go back to work because a President of their color is paying them enough money not to?
     They're obviously happy with their situation because according to the lastest polls, 95% of their population is stating they're going to vote for him again. Make sense to you?   Just sayin'.



  1. No it does not make sense to me. I am an unhyphenated American (Black, Christian, middle class) who has worked for nearly 40 years, never collected unemployment, welfare or food stamps who lives in NYC. One more thing, I'm a Conservative (disenfranchised Democrat).

    While many Blacks are Democrat (far too many I must admit), the stats of those who will vote for Obama is lower than 95%.

    Since 2008, I have often wondered how it is that Obama was elected back in 2008 (actually I know, dead people, Mickey, Goofy and Minnie).

    Living in a socialist state and being a rarity in my community, I have had the opportunity to discuss this with the "more tolerant liberal" (if I may use the term).

    Many are now coming admitting that they did not vote in 2008. The claims are that they lied, mostly due to peer pressure from neighbors, friends and family members in the community.

    These same people plus many of those who did vote for Obama in 2008 have declared that come November, they will not venture out of their comfy homes or lifestyle to vote for Obama.

    What does that mean? That the so-called 95% figure being touted by pundits, propagandists, Progressives and pollsters are like everything else Progressive, i.e., INFLATED.

    As far as the welfare state, that goes beyond ethnicity. That is about lazy, indoctrinated, the clueless and so-called entitlement programs created by Progressives under the impression of doing good.

    There is a program called WORKFORCE ONE which is where I believe Watters interviewed the people in the video.

    My great-niece just moved in with me some months ago. She is a high school senior who grew up in a government-dependent home. House rules are that one must obtain an education and secure a part-time job.

    Her school sent her to WORKFORCE who offered her welfare and food stamps but NOT A JOB.

    1. Thank you for acknowledging my blog. I appreciaste your reply and wish for you to know that I discriminate against no particular ethnic group, I was hoping to see Herman Cain, a true descendant of slaves,run for President and am personally disappointed he didn't. In fact I was hoping that whomever became president would select the rest of the bunch for his Administration. Wouldn't it be neat if Romney was to do that now? I think if they ran as a group along with him as his potential staff, they would bowl the Liberals over once and for all. It's never been done before to my Knowledge.
