Sunday, August 26, 2012


      One year ago, I wrote a blog on the inner workings of the Obama White House, taken from the text in a book written by Edward Klein called "The Amateur".
      Fox News, this morning publicly announced that no one has access to Barack Obama, without the permission of  Valerie Bowman Jarrett.
      I am re-posting that blog today.

Wonder where the "highly military" secrets to Iran might be going through?
       I'm sure everyone who follows politics in the past few decades have heard of the shenanigans and corruption of "Chicago" style politics. It's certainly world renowned and infamous in any political language. Past Mayors such as Harold Washington, Richard J Daley, son Richard M Daley and now Rahm Emanuel, who due to his underhanded mishandling of affairs while under the direction of Barack Obama, resigned to run for Mayor of the only most electable, corrupt City position available in the U.S., and was, to nobody's surprise, elected.
      Well, I'm also sure you know that Barack Obama, having been fresh out of Chicago politics when elected President, totally surrounded himself with Czars and White house staff including Secretaries of all major Gov't Dept.'s who are all, or have been connected to, "Chicago" indoctrinated politics. Chicago being the City of the notorious "Al Capone" and still operates under his flavor of doing business. So be it with Barack and his helpers because, that's all they know and that's all they intend to know.
      Until just 2 weeks ago I had never heard of Valerie Jarrett. Suddenly her name pops up in a report by "Fox News" showing this lady meeting Obama just back from one of many trips to Europe. I printed her name into the Google search and am astounded to find how important this woman is to "The Well oiled Machine" pushing Obama's agenda.
     Valerie Jarrett is African American born Nov. 14th, 1956. to African American parents, James and Barbara Bowman in Shiraz, Iran. She was raised as a child to speak Persian(Iranian), French and of course, English. Her father was a pathologist and Geneticist who ran a hospital in Shiraz. They returned to Chicago when Valerie was seven. Being a very bright child, she went on to earn a B.A. in psychology from Stanford U. and then a Juris doctor from the Univ. of Michigan. She married long enough to have a daughter Laura and divorced her husband after 5 years of marriage.
      Jarrett got her start in Chicago politics in 1987 working for Mayor Harold Washington, who passed away in 1987 and eventually for Richard M. Daley. She continued her work in the Mayor's office in the 1990's, at which time she met and hired Michelle Robinson (now Michelle Obama) then engaged to Barack Obama.
She is said to have attached herself to a Muslim based organization due to her earlier upbringing.
Despite her impeccable social credentials, as Commissioner of Planning under Daley, she became embroiled in a massive screw up in the city's public housing revitalization plan, which cost Chicago millions of dollars in overruns. She was fired without explanation. She was known for operating from the "shadows" so to speak and never "left her fingerprints" on anything. Sound familiar? (Obama never assumes responsibility for actions on his behalf.)
On leaving the Daley bunch, she became CEO of Habitat Executive Services where she received $300,000.00 in salary and $550,000.00 in deferred compensation.
     On her birthday, Nov. 14th, 2008, President-elect Obama selected Jarrett to serve as White House Senior Advisor and Assistant to the President. Jarrett is one of his longest serving Advisors and Confidantes and was widely tipped for a high profile position in the Obama Administration. She is Senior advisor to Barack Obama's Presidential campaign.
      She has her own personal suite in the White house on the second floor of the West Wing, enters at leisure into the "Sacred" living quarters of the Obama family's private domain, of which no one can be found that knows them, has ever been allowed to enter. She has an all access pass to any meetings she wishes to attend. One day, she'll show up at a National Security meeting, the next day, she'll sit in on a briefing on the Federal budget. On many evenings, Jarrett will be seen going up to the Quarters, where she dines with the Obama's and their two daughters, Sasha and Malia. She is the only member of the White House staff who goes on vacations with the family. She is also one of the few people in Washington who can address the President by his first name to his face besides Marion Robinson, Barack's live-in Mother-in-law. Since taking Office, she is the eyes, nose and ears of the Obama's.
     Valerie Jarrett holds down many jobs and positions in conjunction with working for the President, some of whom receive Federal funding in their association with the U.S. gov't. (Is that legal or ethical?) At last count she receives after income and gratuities, 1,200,000.00 per year.
     She admits to no religion but is known to have been "strongly" recommended by a Communist sympathizer organization called Hansen and Shmidt of NASA GISS., another Federally funded private Corporation.
     Obama has lost the favor and support of many high profile backers including Oprah Winfrey because they are never allowed access to Obama to discuss matters of political interest. This, after donating millions of dollars to his election in 2008.
Valerie Jarrett maintains complete blockage to Obama and he never overrides her decisions on that.
It seems the only transparency in the Obama Administration is whatever can be found by people who search for it by subversive means. Are you connecting the dots yet?  Just sayin'.


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