Friday, August 17, 2012


      To compare what Presidential mistakes were made in the past, either intentional or not, is a complete insult and sinful insinuation that what this President is doing to our Once great Country is comparable to them. There simply is no remote comparison!!I'm so sick of hearing the dumb, phony Marxist backers referring to mistakes of the past to what the Obama/Atheist George Soros Regime is doing that it makes me ill!
      They're having to reach back to the days of George Washington and others to justify the amount of mistakes they are making every week. And I'm being gentle when I say mistakes. Most of them are just plain blatantly bad decisions. Most of them are well planned, I might add.
      The sooner the Judeo/Christian factions get together to battle these outright liars and thieves, the better off this Country will be. Another Crusades wouldn't be out of order if they continue to try to seize control of this country.
      Quit letting the blatant homosexuals off the hook as well. Is Homosexuality a sin? Well, let's put it this way. According to all Biblical moral standards since religion began, YES, it is. It is only in recent years that some psychologists and psychiatrists in influential political circles who were most likely perverts themselves, determined that it should no longer be considered a mental disorder as it had been in Centuries past. That's all it took for every stinky mannered homosexual to jump on the political bandwagon. What I'm going to explain next is not for the faint of heart, but it's true. It's not only a mental disorder, but it's a SIN!! So don't read any further if you don't wish to know the truth.
     In so many cases it is started by nasty thinking people like predator Jerry Sandusky who take little children and violate there poor little backsides. I feel it's important that decent people understand this so they can be aware of what can happen so very easily. The child is so ashamed at first, they fail to tell a responsible parent.
      It's very well known that when it takes place repeatedly, the child develops rapidly and soon begins to enjoy the feeling created by the male organ massaging the prostate gland. the child is inclined to assault other children in later years as a result.
 For any normal human being to think just because many predators do it that it's beginning to be okay, is a moral travesty!
      I say to you, if it was a moral, indecent act before, then it is now. It's a terrible choice of judgement and I personally wouldn't want, and don't want a person of that immoral character making any other decisions for me, either. Don't you think that makes sense? Bad decisions lead to other bad decisions.
     Imagine when a young man gets assaulted and reaches out to a perverted psychiatrist for help. Do you think he's going to get it?? Just guess what he'll get!
     I once had an acquaintance get angry with me because I voiced my objection to him about Gays being in Governmental, decisive positions that can make choices that affect my welfare personally. He exploded in rage that I shouldn't have said that to him because he has a homosexual daughter who is in one of those jobs that does just that. He then stormed away.
     Was I supposed to be apologetic for my remarks? I don't think so!! If I had an offspring that was immorally wrong in any respect, should I be offended if someone voiced that he was immoral?? No!
     I don't care what goes on between adults behind closed, private doors, but that's where it should stay. I have no bone to pick with whatever it is that consenting adults do in their own private situations.
 My objection is when they ask for special protection and privileges along with other minority groups. My contention is, they can always select to have normal sex with the opposite sex as God intended. There's no where in his wishes that it be otherwise. Atheism is a proponent of the stinky practice and they seem to work hand in hand.
     I'll vote for no person who defends it. To me, Gay marriage is just anther one of those bad decisions. In the closet is where it belongs if they're gonna' do it.
     Bragging about the habit and being proud of it is crossing the moral line. Back in the closet is where it belongs and special privileges to me are out of the question.
     Just sayin'.

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