Monday, August 27, 2012


      He claims he was born here, he claims that he lived here and he claims he knows what our problem is. His idea is for "Change". He came to town just when the great city is at one of it's weakest moments. "Vulnerability" is the mode of the town because of the monetary situation not only of the town, but the whole world.
      The townsfolk in need are listening intently out of desperation to this silver tongued devil as he speaks with a powerful voice, unfaltering in his manner and so sure of himself in his presentation that no one has any doubt of his positive prowess. "Change" is the word. "Change" to a better life that he alone knows about. "Follow me, vote for me as your new leader in the direction of "Change". But where is the better life he is taking them? They were of the impression they already were in the city with the best way of life and has a 235 year old history to prove it.
      "Take my word for it, You have been mistreated long enough. The rich have taken advantage of you. Join me in your quest for "change" and you will see. I'll take from the rich and I'll give to the poor. It's called redistribution of wealth. You won't have to work for the money I'll take from them. I'll just take it from them on your behalf. Follow me in my direction of "Change." "Then I'll give everybody a job with full medical coverage where it won't cost you a dime! You'll all work for me and you'll all get an equal amount of pay." "If you vote for me I'll issue you "waivers" from the rules I'll apply to the rich." "Oh!! Here's some money for you, don't worry about paying me back. There's more where that came from. I borrowed it from another town that has lots of jobs. It's called "Stimulus"money. I've already given some to my friends."
       "Where are you from?" the townspeople asked. "Oh, it's a quaint city called "Shacktown".
      Just go to Google Earth and type in KENYA, South Africa, Zoom in and look at what a well organized town it is.
      They're working on street lights as I speak from some other "stimulus" money I borrowed." "By the way, the grass is greener there."
      The townspeople, overcome by his smooth presentation, voted for him. Just sayin'.

1 comment:

  1. By the way; If you're thinking Barack Obama is a compassionate soul,feature this; He has a blood brother named George Obama who has no work,lives in a 6'x 10' shack in Kenya,and never gets contacted or supported by his loving brother Barack. George could care less.
