Friday, August 31, 2012


      When you look and listen to the Stars of the Entertainment world, It isn't long before it's obvious which way they lean when it comes to U.S. politics. They're mostly, undeniably, sympathetic to the Anti- American posture of the "Well Oiled Machine" that drives the Obama Regime. Anti- God and pro-Marxist in their beliefs, it's amazing how quickly they've forgotten it's the consumer's willingness to enjoy entertainment that got them there in the first place. It starts with the consumers money! I bring up this point because of the way they can be so rich that they can place themselves among the ranks of the 1% elite. It allows them to sit above the fray, with no fear of exhausting their plastic money, no matter what.
      Maybe for a short span in their lifetime they may have performed menial work on their way to stardom success, but it obviously wasn't long enough in the "real world" of things before the bucks began rolling in for them to remember it for any real length of time.
      They get caught up in the world of entertaining people, the fast life of attending the never- ending  parties that accompany the lifestyle. A lifestyle that can only be afforded the "Rich", and to look at money as though there's plenty more where that came from, with little appreciation for how hard the rest of the food chain had to work to pay just to watch them perform.
      They're now on that platform of success that the rest of us can only dream about through the chances of winning the Mega-bucks lottery. And all they really had to do was what they love doing best, Performing and acting.
      If ever there was an occupation that is immensely overpaid at times, it's the entertainment world. In a way, it's similar to the Sports world in which, through the manipulation of the charges to the fans, they're able to pay ridiculous amounts of money to some of the Stars.
     In this writer's estimation, there is no way some of the stars are deserving of the amounts of money they're contracted to be paid and ultimately receive. Nor the Agents who negotiate the contracts as well!
     It can only be achieved through the charges that are levied to the consumer who, have no choice but to pay it if they want to see and/or hear it. It's done through the world of Franchises and Monopolies that are afforded them by our Politicians, of course.
     But having been elevated to those "Untouchable" positions financially, they can look at how life should be for the rest of us in their estimation. Unrealistically.
     Now don't misunderstand my point, There are different classes of "Rich". For example, there is the business oriented "Rich", where most people in the business world have, through innovation and much hard work, elevated themselves over several generations, to finally achieve their goal of being among the 1% "Rich", and finally having reached that position, never really had time to party it up. They were too busy building a business and creating a productive economy. They're "true" Entrepreneurs who made this great Country as great as it is. If they didn't exist, the expenses of going to a movie or an event couldn't be afforded either. The exorbitant prices, I might add.
      So it urks me to hear these famous, "Rich" performers, who exist only because of the good economy, take sides in deciding how the working class and the Middle class should be handled by a Dictatorial Regime such as the Obama one we're under today. The "In Absentia" one.
      Sure, entertainers have performed for all kinds of World leaders, but it's nothing like they're performing for Obama and his "Well Oiled Machine" today. It's party, party, party. And guess what, they're doing it with the very money they extracted from us, on a non-political basis! Haven't they been missing an important ingredient in their consideration here? Our own Constitutional rights?
      It's like the old, wise "Redneck" philosopher said; "Ya' can't clear up the drinkin' water 'til you remove the turds from the crick." Just sayin'.

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