Thursday, August 23, 2012


       As an example of how this country is going to be treated by "Dictator" Obama if he gets re-elected, read the latest news hot off the "Fox News" Press!
       In his latest bid to create amnesty for the illegal Aliens in this country so he can allow them to cast their votes, he has issued a directive to the Dept. of Homeland Security that reads; "Effective immediately, certain young people who were brought to the U.S. as young children, who demonstrate they meet certain criteria,will be eligible to receive deferred action for two years, subject to renewal, and will be eligible for work authorization."
     This being done in defiance of the U.S. Constitution requiring that Congress be consulted before making any major changes to America's Immigration policy.
     The Obama Administration directive is a clear violation of the law, circumventing the authority of Congress for the sake of political posturing while weakening the system of checks and balances. This according to Arkansas Senator John Boozman and Louisiana Senator David Vitter.
     This illegal action has resulted in Homeland Security (ICE) Agents, (9) filing lawsuits in the Federal District Court to challenge the decision of the Agency.
     Not only did President Obama circumvent the authority of Congress in approving the policy, but his order has restricted the Director of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano from adequately providing guidance and direction to the Agents in the field as to how they are to comply with such an Anti-Constitutional, misguided order. Instead, it's a back door path to amnesty which will then allow them to cast their votes. The Congressmen have said this; "We are a nation of laws, but the President is once again stepping beyond his authority by determining what preferred laws can be enforced to suit his personal agenda."
      "Americans deserve immigration reform, secure borders and improved workplace verification to hold employers accountable for hiring illegal workers. This all requires Congressional approval and Americans  are committed to formulating comprehensive immigration reform without rewarding lawbreakers."
      Shortcuts in the process should not be permitted for political, personal gain as is the case of Barack Obama and his George Soros inspired Regime.
      The Constitutional process was not conspired to be simple. the reason it is complex is to prevent a rogue President or Party from committing acts such as this one. Of course no parties' opinions are the same and there are anticipated differences to be argued in a civil, pre-arranged Constitutional manner. Wishing for it to be simple is merely a dream, and disagreements were anticipated  in coming to conclusions. It may take a while sometimes such as the case is now. Elections are held for a purpose, and Barack Obama and his Regime are no exception in determining the fate of this Great Country full of people who want it to remain great.
      The ICE agents are executing their Constitutional rights, and thank God they still can.
      This isn't a question of whether his actions are humane or not. Everyone wants to see kindness when it's warranted, no question about that. But to keep the checks and balances in order, a process was divised by our Founding Fathers where a determination of legal rights and wrongs could and should be followed. Barack Obama and his loyal thugs have taken it on themselves to decide the Constitution should be set aside to achieve what they think is the direction for this Nation to go. By doing so they have effectively or ineffectively sidestepped a process that has worked for this country for 235 years.
      Through their own fears that the American people may reject that direction, they are simply ignoring the proper, legal way they are required to accomplish their task. Their thoughts on direction may be sincere, but ever since they have come into power they have afforded no room whatsoever for compromise and have acted in a manner similar to "It's our way or the highway!!" Then when there's congressional objection to their shortcut methods, they accuse the Representatives of the American people of not wanting to "compromise." It's a ruse and a lie. It's long past time that they be voted out of office.   Just sayin'.

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