Thursday, September 6, 2012


(A post written in 2011)
      If you're over thirty, you'll remember when Bill Clinton pointed that crooked finger at the American people and in all insincere "honesty" said,"You listen to me, I did not have sex with that woman! Monica Lewinsky!" A lie that was heard around the world and proven to be so.
     Well,..... he did it again in his assertion that if we forgave Obama's "honest" mistakes, he would do better if re-elected. It was the same crooked finger!!
     Let me put it in perspective to Bill Clinton and Barack Obama with this question; What lies do you expect to be forgiven for? The first one, the last one, (and you're not finished yet) or all the others you've told in between?
     You certainly can't be going to confession, either one of you, because after all is said and done, you have indicated in your attempted denial of God, by excluding his holy name in the presentation of the DNC Convention. He doesn't "really" exist anyway, so, what the Hell! Oh, I needn't have said that! Hell doesn't exist either! All I can say is, We'll see, won't we?
     But then, realizing you had given yourselves away as truly being Marxists and exposing your real intentions, you quickly said you just overlooked it and put it back in!
     Somehow, I think the cat's out of the bag, though. There's 80,000 seats in Time Warner Stadium. They're now anticipating 75,000 empty ones. Guess who's absent from the crowd!! Probably God's too busy to show up where he isn't wanted. You can do the math!!
     Yes, the World you're talking to today does exist, and with the ability to hear and see better than ever before.
     Although you may depend on the world having short, forgiving memories, we'll always have the audio and video tapes to remind us the next time you make a statement or a promise to the Great American people who remain believing in God. That's still most of us, by the way!
     You see, if you did believe in a Supreme being such as God, you could confess it and all would be forgiven by one of his appointed representatives. But,.....You don't. So now, what do we do about that?
     I had a friend who had a son in his late teens that broke the law. After everything was settled and my friend paid the hefty fine, his son came home to find a complete set of luggage in his bedroom packed with all his personal belongings.      
     He asked his Dad, "What's going on, are you telling me to leave?" His Dad answered, :I'm sending you away to be on your own for a while." The son then asked, "When can I come back home?" His Dad replied, "When you're a priest!" (Yes! I've told this story before, I know!)
     So take the hint, you two. It may take you a while, though!!     Just sayin'.


  1. When Slick Willie was running for President back in the early '90s I thought he was a sleaze ball the first time I saw him on TV. He reminded me of a health club Sales Manager I once worked with who I could see had zero ethics or values. Nobody at work saw it but me, or they were too afraid to say anything. I was not shy about making my opposition to him known with higher ups, but it led to nowhere. I eventually moved to my career path because I had just graduated college. Six months later a former co-worker called me and said the Sales Manager had been arrested, handcuffed and led out the health club for embezzlement. It didn't surprise me at all, but it did surprise a lot of the people I previously worked with. Slick Willie looked & spoke exactly like that sleaze ball Sales Manager. I had Bubba's number from the first time I saw him. Now the only other sleaze ball who is worse and a bigger liar than Old Bill calls on him to try to shovel the BS into voters’ minds because voters have finally awakened to the dishonesty they've been shoveled for the past 3 years 8 months. I can only guess that Willie & Oblamer hope & pray we voters have forgotten the lying, crooked finger from the Lewinski days. I have not, and just like with Slick Willie, I had Obama's number when he came on the scene. We need a President with integrity who cares about the values that are America. Remove the sleazy, Godless Democrats from the seat of power in America. Vote Republican, the party of God!


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