Monday, October 15, 2012


      When you reflect back on the events of the past four years, and what has been revealed about the  "Well Oiled Machine" behind our current President, It has all become clear as a bell. The flood of what was considered to be "made up" and "surreal" information about a hidden agenda, just can't be denied anymore.
      The behavior of his supporters, all in lock step with one another in their well chorused statements, the  change in their promises that made the Sheeple think they were getting one thing, but instead got something else. The continual "never true" announcements of their future intentions became apparent more and more as time went on. They thought they could pull it off before the 2012 election and keep their true sinister program a secret until it would be too late to turn it around.
      They concealed the intended, radical changes to our present "Medicare system" by stuffing them into a massive 2700 page document that they knew couldn't possibly be understood in a short length of time. Thus surging on to the next move of dismantling the greatest Military in the world. Their footprint can't be mistaken now. They are massively reducing our ability to defend ourselves. As was recently apparent in the Benghazi murders recently.
      One big lie that is now becoming apparent, is a move in Medicare that's affecting your's truly as I write. Barack Obama emphatically promised that everyone presently on Medicare will not be affected by the change to Obamacare when it comes into effect. We would receive the exact same benefits as we are currently receiving, The newomers in the future would start on the new Obamacare program as they come of qualifying age. Not so!!
      Without any change in my Social Security benefits, (I'm 75 years old) I'm going to be dropped from my Medicare Part "B" qualification, and would need to find my own additional coverage. Other people my age are suffering the same thing. We now know why! We could only receive our benefits as they were intended, if the money that was appropriated in Medicare remained there. But it didn't!!!
     Without the permission of Congress, which is required, and very quietly, the Obama Regime was found to have taken the 716 billion dollars that was in the Medicare fund to help fund the new upcoming Obamacare program!
      Medicare can't possibly continue on as before, because of that. They've robbed Peter to pay Paul.
      When first confronted with it, they tried to deny it. Now it's admitted to be so. They could only have it the way they promised if they increased the deficit by $716 billion dollars to replace what they stole from Medicare. They thought we were stupid and wouldn't know the difference until it was too late. Well, it almost turned out, they were right.
      These Marxist/ Socialists were, and still are, wanting to reduce the strength and will of our country to the point of weakness that we couldn't possibly recover enough to resist. They deny that. But maybe they can explain why they wouldn't come to the aid of our 4 State Department Employees including the Ambassador to Libya. They just don't care!!! They stood back and let them be murdered. Sacrificed without any reaction from Obama who, climbed aboard his Air Force One and headed for an Election rally the very next day.
      God as we know him, was left out of the equation once again, don't you think??
      The collaboration isn't just the dreams of the Marxist/Atheists of this Country, but a gathering of all the Anti-Christian Muslims in the world who without hesitation, say they would like to kill all those who don't comply with Shariah Law. THAT'S US, FOLKS!!!
      Now you will understand their motive for picking a unique power hungry Atheist, claiming to be Muslim, at the same time claiming to be Christian. (If that makes sense?)
      This isn't just a small amount of Atheists, here. They are part of a huge subversive push by them, for this country to be taken away from the system we love, and unite us with the rest of Europe, to be controlled by the "New World Order"that Europe is currently building right now, with or without our acknowledgement. It could only be done by taking away our worldly position of power. It's Worldly, rather than North American sponsored.
     They really thought they could pull it off without the deceived, American citizen recognizing their actual intentions. With the world in a turmoil the way it is, turning hopes into fears, establishing mandates to enforce their wishes on us instead of allowing us to vote on the radical changes that will take our Constitutional rights away from us, they forged ahead with changing our life the way we know it.
     If we don't stop them in this next election, voting for what we want after that won't matter anymore.
    Barack Obama has been chosen only to represent the "Well Oiled machine" because of his ability to be one of the best skilled Orators in the World, that is, if he has his speeches written by other special speech writers who are also dedicated Atheists. He had everyone fooled on his intelligence and originality for a while, but we now know that, without his teleprompters, he has hardly any ability to produce sensible substance at all. He can't even remember the lies he has told the day before. Hence his inability to defend himself in the first debate with Mitt Romney. Without being properly "Coached" by his Cohorts, It's "Uh, you know, blah blah blah blah and blah, you know! Uh....blah blah George Bush, blah blah blah, You know,....Uh... if we can't continue in our new direction.
     Every time a crisis pops up, he hurriedly hops aboard Air Force One and heads for other parts, rather than face the problem. That's because, as revealed by the Author of "The Amateur", his wife Michelle Obama and her live-in Girl friend Valerie Jarrett, (Both Atheists) are totally controlling his movements,    with the "Well oiled Machine" coaching in the background.
     Valerie Jarrett is his connection to the outside world, especially Iran, and nobody enters their private domain without her personal permission. We wonder where the Iranians get their technology leaks from? How the large, unmanned drone, with all the latest secret technology accidentally flew into Iranian airspace and safely landed there without our military having the ability to destroy it? Give me a break!!!
     Billionaire Atheists from all over the globe are sympathetic to his Marxist/Muslim oriented cause.
     You are mistaken by his smooth tone when talking, but it's also important that you realize, he has an Agenda that's intended to help only the "Chosen Few" that support him as an end result. It's the Communist way.
     The powerful Unions, once not needed for their votes anymore will be turned on just they have already done to the rest of the dissenting opposition. Confusion and control is what the "Well Oiled machine" is ultimately after. Then it's going to be Russia and Putin all over again. They went from  a Dictatorship with a "Cold War" mentality, to a Post "Cold War" mentality, including a temporary "Democracy"" but with a hidden, Dictator behind it all named Putin watching from the shadows, to presently, a "Phony" election mode.  that due to a planned, stacked, fraudulent Election that recently put Putin back in total Dictatorial command again. Democracy my butt!!
     Atheist billionaires, with George Soros leading the way, seconded by Valerie Bowman Jarrett, an Iranian born citizen with ties and connections to the Arab nations, Barack and Michelle Obama, Muslims both, Bill and Hillary Clinton,whatever they are, Marxist Frank Marshall Davis, David Axelrod, and all of their supporters who are in hopes of "financial promises", including the Main Media. They are owned by the likes of Ted Turner and those owned and controlled by Atheists from around the world. All on the march, they're hoping ultimately to end in victory over the free North American Continent as we know it!
     Connect the dots, folks. I'd love it if you would prove me wrong. I know it's an "Unbelievable", bizarre analysis, but eerily true. That's their intention, and so far, it's been working. They're depending on you not believing those actual intentions. The Muslim world is in lockstep with them because they've been promised that their deadly, bizarre Shariah law will be honored wherever they desire, in exchange for their support.
     A grim reminder of that is the unforgivable murders of our U.S. Ambassador to Libya and the noble, loyal men who tried to protect them. Obama and his people did nothing to prevent it, refused military aid when it was pleaded for and most gruesome of all, tried to sweep it under the rug until after Nov. 6th, Election day. Also the latest news of a 15 year old Afghanistan girl deliberately shot in the head and left by the Taliban for wanting to adapt to the modern way of life. Does it make any sense at all, that you would know of this, with the knowledge Obama intends to let it slide because of the upcoming election? Would you still vote for someone who would deceive you at every turn in the road, and wait until you catch them at it in order to correct it??
     Please vote them out of office!!   Just sayin'.

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