Friday, October 26, 2012


    When you elect someone to a position, isn't it only right to expect that "someone" to be honest and forthright with the Electorate? Especially with the finances and security that are so vitally important to you and yours?
    So who is this guy in the most important job in the World, the U.S. Presidency, who has deliberately kept everything under wraps so that we NEVER hear the recordings of his conversations with other countries on the globe? Or in any other order of business concerning our affairs?
    I have always believed that when we elect and pay someone to do a job with our tax dollars, he or she,  is virtually owned and controlled by us, the people and the Congress,while they're in office.
    If it isn't that way, don't you think it should be?
    Well.... my friends, is that the way Mr. Alibama and his 40,000 thieves are, and have been behaving for the last 4 years? Has anything he has said while doing our official business, ever been played back to you so that you know first hand what he has said? In any meeting, anywhere, anytime?
     I'll answer that for you, NOOOOO!!!!!!
    The way I, and many other rational folks see it, Barack the "magician" has managed to turn it 180 degrees to mean the opposite. This group of well trained, "Well oiled machine" Atheists(some who parade as Christians) don't intend for you to know, because they would be revealing what their true Agenda is about, that makes them sometimes drift into dreamland with the Mysterious smile on their faces.
     Yup!! Did we elect him to handle our affairs as we wished? YES!! Did he do it? NOOOOO!!!!!! Do you think he knows he is owned and controlled by us, the People, along withe the Congress? NOOOOO!!!!! Or does it appear to you that he will ever allow us to actually hear him discussing our affairs, particularly with other nations? NOOOOO!!!!!
     Are you beginning to see something wrong with this picture?  I HOPE SO!!!
     Do you ever think he will outright admit that he refused to help the four gallant, patriotic men who died trying to defend themselves in the U.S. Consolate in Benghazi while they were being murdered by his friends, the Radical Muslims? NOOOOO!!!!!
    Are you feeling more like "Sheeple" out in a pasture somewhere, waiting for his next offering?
    Are you ready to start eating hay??
    The man is a total betrayer. Benedict Arnold was a "Saint" compared to this man!  Just Sayin'.

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