Wednesday, December 5, 2012


     Please understand, when I write my blogs, it's from what I consider is a legal, American's patriotic point of view. I came here from Canada in 1976 as a Citizen born of both Countries and with relatives and children living in both countries.
     I came because my older siblings were already here and had always felt this is where I should be to live out my life.
     Coming from a lifestyle that was derived from the way the British Monarchy deemed it should be, and still is, to a country totally Independent from the same, was because I felt there was a freedom exercised here due to a Constitution and Bill of Rights derived from the "Mayflower Charter", and a Group of Founding Fathers that were described as being a Government of the People, by the People and for the People . Some of those Founders went on to become Presidents of the United States.
     I don't intend to appear as though it's overall better than the way Canada runs it's affairs. It's their business and their way. I love you all up there. I just knew where I wanted to be.
     It's simply what I prefer. So when I'm doing my writings the way I do concerning the politics of this country, please understand that it isn't just Canadians reading them. They're mainly concerning the affairs of this country that affect me and the rest of the country who do read my "stuff''.
     In reading what I have to say, my remarks are only directed to the people it affects as well.
     Feel free to form your own opinions, but please keep in mind, if you're not living here, you're only on  the outside, looking in. In most cases, it shouldn't affect you, but it does me.
     Unfortunately though, the news you get up there are from stations allowed into Canada's Airways by The CBC (Privately owned by the Queen of England), is, in my judgement, giving you the part of the information on our affairs down here that they want you to hear, but they're careful not to give you all of it.
     Those American stations are also owned by International Companies who have their own special interests in mind that aren't necessarily in good stead for the Whole of the United States of America.
      Being large Co.'s with ownerships all over the globe tends to cause them to prefer doing business with other countries in a way they would benefit by ignoring the best interests of this nation. In so doing, they could care less about the good health of the United States.
     Having lived here for 36 years now, and wanting to understand the system we live by was something I felt I should do, and have done so to a good degree over those years.
     In so doing, it has taught me to realize how precious personal freedom is, and how fragile it can be in the hands of the wrong, special Interests parties.
     Bypassing the Constitutional process can allow someone to violate those rules.
     Through all the Presidents I've appreciated or not, there was one thing they all had in common through thick and thin, loyalty (most of the time anyway) to the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. There were a lot of differences of opinion, but when they looked at the rules, they always got hammered out. That's what those rules were for and because of the interpretations being misconstrued, there were times that it took some "Putting of heads together" to get it settled. But they did, knowing that it was those 3 Documents that kept this country strong and great.
     Barack Obama has totally abused and ignored our sacred process. What's more, he has done it right under the noses of the Congress as if it doesn't exist. It appears that he's more interested in taking this country down to zero, so the very real "New World Order" can have more access to total control but they need the United States to have to submit as well.
     The rest of the world seems to love it, including a lot of Canadians who think it's "cool." But they won't when they discover it will affect them too.
     There is very little that happens to the U.S. that doesn't have an affect on Canada.
     To me, and many others here, a strong Military, a good economy and the basic freedoms of the common man were respected and honored until he came along.
     Relations between Allies such as Canada have sometimes been "testy" because of differences in Governmental ways of doing business, but it didn't stop the people from being friendly and appreciative of one another. I like to feel our loyalty as neighbors is better than that.
     I'm writing this to affirm that today.
     However, in reference to the News reporters of today, both Canada and the United States are definitely not reporting all of the news in an unbiased way, and all of the time. Which causes people like me to want to communicate the way I do.
     Unfortunately, the time arrived in 2008 that one Party, The Marxist/ Socialist Party ( they like to still be called Democrats), led by Barack Obama and what I like to call "The Well Oiled Machine", consisting of Atheist International Billionaires, took control of the House of Representatives (consisting of 435 representatives), the Senate ( 100 Senators) and the Presidency.
     For two Years, they ran roughshod over the Country, ignoring the inclusion of the opposition as required by those 3 important Documents and stampeding through laws that are going to come into affect on January 1st, 2013.
     I know there has been a tremendous amount of Apathy in the World toward the U.S. over the years militarily, either because we kicked their butts or out of embarrassment, because we saved them. or maybe because we flourished through our economic system a little bit better than other countries with the kind of Republic we have.
     But what kind of condition do you suppose those same nations, as bad as things are around the globe right now anyway, would be in if the Americans hadn't been there to help? (Not bragging by any means).
     Just picturing it.
     Personally, in sports we can be happy or sad to see a famous team on the top, go down, and feel glad that it did. That's okay, because next year the games start all over again. A new champion will emerge. But what champion do you really want to see replace the United States of America? Can you think of another major country, maybe a Muslim one with it's Shariah Law such as Iran that you'd rather be living next to? Like it or not, this is not a game.
     You may not be thinking it's that bad, but you obviously don't realize the seriousness of the rest of the World, such as the U.N. International Committee taking charge and dominating over North America under the charge of the New World Order.
     Barack Obama is not interested in just being the Leader of the U.S., not by a long shot. He's not a loyal Citizen of this Country and never was.
     The only thing holding that guy back is the House of Representatives who hold the purse strings to anything he spends.
     The rest of the world doesn't want control over the people of North America, it just wants all of it's rich resources and once they have control of that, which includes you, fellow Canadians, we go from people to Sheeple. God won't even be allowed to be spoken. Only Marx and Mohamed. Just sayin'.

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