Friday, January 11, 2013


     Right now the President thinks he can hold the Congress and american people hostage until he gets exactly what he wants, by threatening to continue using executive orders. In so doing, he's making decisions in violation of the U.S. Constitution. It's very clear that he's doing that. But what irks me is the statement by the political pundits, "I'm not sure that's legal!"
     So, why aren't they sure? That rule is clear in the Constitution. It makes clear that no one person can act on his own merits but must clear his actions of importance by processing them through two bodies elected by the American people.The House of Representatives and the Senate. When he says he is compelled to use executive orders to get things done for the good of the Country, he means HIS way of getting things done, not necessarily what the American people want, and they express their wants through the required use of  the Two Houses of Congress. That's why they're there! To safeguard the Affairs of the nation and prevent Dictatorship from taking place.
     Now let's look at this from the beginning of his Presidency. The spending crisis was quadrupled by him and his Administration increasing the National Debt by 8 TRILLION dollars in the first four years of his Presidency. All off this being done by a Democratic House and a Democratic Senate, with the total exclusion of the remainder of Congress.
     They rapidly went behind closed doors in "closed door" meetings, and without the presence of the full Congress, passed a horrendous amount of bills. The Republican members were locked out of those meetings. In so doing, they locked out the opposition that was also elected to represent part of the people.
     You all MUST remember his campaign promise time and time again, that clairvoyancy was going to be one of his main objectives. Surely you must remember that, along with a whole bunch of his "forgotten" pledges. But then again, how easily we forget such trivial matters.
     I remember though! But what I'd like to forget are the same statements I hear over and over again, "I'm not sure that's legal."
     Now, some of reasons given for him to go unchallenged are that to challenge him legally, it must be challenged through the Court system and that could take a long time, especially when it gets to the Supreme Court of the United States. That's a terrible bother, so let's figure something else out. In the meantime, he continues on with his skulduggery, knowing all this will take a great deal of time for the opposition to do. That gives him an excuse to issue another illegal, executive order due to the delays by Congress.
     He also knows that while the challenging process continues for a while, during that time, his executive orders prevail in effect  until reversed by the Supreme Court.
     The frustrating thing is, though, he's using the Crisis he himself created from overspending,that prevents the economy from moving forward in the first place, as an excuse to issue the executive orders.
     Being from Chicago, the most corrupt City in the whole United States of America, he came into the Presidency with exactly that in mind. So how do you stop this man, a Muslim at heart and an Atheist in reality? And don't tell me, "I'm not sure it's legal" Please!!!    Just sayin'.

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