Saturday, February 16, 2013


     I'm sure I'm not alone when I discover that people I know through my life can bring up bad memories and instances of my past in retaliation for a difference we have concerning something else entirely, simply for the purpose of getting the upper hand in an unrelated dispute.
     But they do! That's just the way it is! But it does something for you in the respect of who you can consider a friend or good relative to associate with in the future.
     It's shockingly disturbing to know that, although you've expressed love and affection over the years toward each other, with you pushing aside different unpleasant events and replacing those memories with the thoughts of many more pleasant ones you've enjoyed with each other over the years, they haven't. At least that's what I have tried to do. Yes, the unpleasant memories will always be there, but when you weigh the value of a friend or relative you've known for years, you'll realize winning an unrelated domestic dispute is never worth the loss of a lifetime of treasured memories.
     But how do you handle things when you find they don't necessarily feel the same way you do, and for the sake of winning an unrelated argument, they are more than ready to bring up those "forgotten" unpleasantries you assumed would never be brought up again, simply because the differences really weren't worth losing a relationship over. But they do!
     Because of that, the hurt that comes to you when you recognize they have harbored those memories, no matter how one sided and twisted they may be, especially second hand information, to be used against you in the future.
     It hurts enough that, you have to ask yourself this question. Are they worth retaining in a future relationship if they're so willing to allow a lot of tainted hearsay cloud their common sense?
     My determination is, they're not. Particularly when you ask them not to, and they continue on anyway.
     So my request is this; If you feel you truly are my friend or loved relative and wish to continue being such, please don't do it. If you do, be prepared to say "Adios, acquaintance!" because that's all you're ever going to be. Just sayin'.

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