Sunday, February 17, 2013


     Let's not kid ourselves, here. Barack Obama is only visiting Israel because he wants us and Israel to think he wants peace. The real reason he's going there is to attempt to "Lay down the rules" according to him, not Israel.
     It's as obvious as the ears on his head where he stands in his own position with the Country of Israel. You must be blind if you don't see the determination on his face expressing what he wants and intends to do to with the fate of Israel and the direction in which he wants to take this country.
He, along with the rest of the "Arab Spring" world, would like to see Israel disappear, be it by magic or by explosive force. But don't kid yourself, he wants Israel to go away.
     Surely by now, his feelings and behavior are plain as to what he would have happen on behalf of the Islamic world if he could do it and get away with it. You've seen his idyllic behavior time and time again towards the Arab world by now. His speeches to the Arab world in which he spoke impeccable Indonesian and just as perfect in Arabic to the Saudi Arabian King. He even bowed to the Saudi King and Princes as though they were his Lord and Masters, and he was awaiting their orders.
     He has talked too sourly towards the Israelis too many times in the past for anybody with any common sense to miss it.
     He has been the true human chameleon up until now. Once upon a time a Muslim, then an Atheist follower in Chicago at the infamous Saul Alinski Atheist inspired "Midwest Academy." He was even a member of his board.
     Then, while he was doing his Community Organizing among the Black Christian based people in the South side of Chicago, he was asked by a Black Pastor why he wasn't ever attending any of the church services if he was so in favor of Christianity among the Blacks? He immediately began attending Sunday church services, claiming to be a converted Christian.
     All the while mind you, knowing that to not come under the negative scrutiny of the Islamic faith, he simply had to let them know he was lying for the good of Mohamed and he would be forgiven.
     So what really is he? So far he's been an Islamist to suit his purposes, an Atheist when it suits him and a Christian when he needs the Christian votes, which he successfully accomplished in his re-election.
     The fact is, he is a complete fake, but a successful one through pure trickery.
     If he is allowed by Congress to ignore the Democratic process that is laid out for him by our Declaration of Independence, our Bill of Rights and our U.S. Constitution, he will succeed in the takedown of the most powerful country in the world along with Israel. Just sayin'.

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