Sunday, April 21, 2013


     "Bundling" in sales? A ploy for the Company to sell additional products.(Probably okay, but enquire first.) Because when you do, you may be receiving a lot that isn't preferable by you, and what you don't need.
     "Bundling in T.V. and Internet communications? Okay! (I guess.)
     "Bundling" in Insurance? AARP for instance. By bundling a group of Insurance Companies, they can be the main broker, peddle insurance on behalf of the independent Insurance Companies that belong to the group. They collect a broker's fee for doing so.
     On the surface, they can probably get you insurance for a lesser amount because they have the ability to sell you policies on a greater volume and lowering their initial cost. But, if they can gather enough independent Companies to join their "Bundling" program, they have too easily created a "monopoly" big enough to eliminate remaining competition and then name you any price they want to.  Thereby limiting your Constitutional privilege to purchase where you please. ("Monopolies" are seldom beneficial to the consumer) They have simply eliminated the Independent Competition we are Constitutionally entitled to, anyway! Personally, knowing that AARP is politically connected, I file all their communications in File# 13.
     In the case of AARP and their "denied" ties to any political Party, They were and are, for many years receiving grants and tax breaks as a Non-profit Organization (they have a branch in the Company that qualifies as such) and quite boldly return the favors by way of  contributions to the Democratic party in almost any significant election, including political pro-Democratic ads of their own. (I wonder where the money came from??)
     As a reward, Obama invited AARP to help him design Obamacare. (He blundered and blurted that out in his political debate against Romney.) Together they used the Foxe's way of building the henhouse!!
     As a consequence, they made it mandatory to purchase additional Health Insurance for everyone. What a beautiful gift AARP handed to themselves and the rest of the Insurance Industry. Clever, huh??
     Is everybody wondering why Insurance rates have risen and are scheduled to go up even more?
     But you see, They realize the average Joe isn't capable of understanding such a clever and devious thing. And in case we do, they'll simply lie and say we're just a bunch of liars and Homophobes. (which, by the way, brings me to the most clever and devious "Bundling" of all.
     The manner in which the Homosexuals managed to "Bundle" themselves in with the other bonafide groups of "Minorities". Now to me, the title of "Minority" would be used for people or things that have no physical ability to change what they are. There is no physical or mental power that allows that to happen.
     Homosexuals on the other hand, have every capability of NOT being a perverted human being. It's only their desire that permits it. They can morally change their status anytime and live like normal human beings.
     By "Bundling", they have managed to convince the Justice system to classify themselves as a "Minority", and by that means can claim special rights and discrimination as "Minorities" when approached as "homosexuals". They have since dreamed up a word for people who think they're wrong. "Homophobes" ( A fear of homosexuals and homosexual predators.)
     A word of caution to all "Aids" carriers, "Cover your stump before you hump."
     Personally, if I was a true "Minority", say black, I would certainly be offended when the Main Media would refer to me as being in a group such as "Homosexuals and blacks" as I heard on one of the Main Media news channels this morning. As a matter of fact, since I consider any other Race as equal to my own, I'm offended anyway!
     Yes, in some cases, "Bundling" is not a good idea! Just sayin'.


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