Saturday, April 27, 2013


     When the Islamic Terrorists led by Osama Bin Laden increased the intensity in their self declared war on the United States, by destroying the Twin Towers and a portion of the Pentagon, they knew they had done something besides making their name famous.
     Similar to the Raid on Pearl Harbor, They did a deed that echoed the remarks of the infamous Admiral who led Japan's raid. "We have awakened the sleeping giant!"
     They knew it was "their bad." Osama ran for cover, with nowhere to go but Pakistan and Afghanistan with his armies of Taliban and Al Qaida fighters. They spent the next decade running and trying to hide from the mighty arms of our proud military. In the words of the great past President Ronald Reagan, "you can run, but you can't hide." Yes, revenge took that long but you can bet they wished they hadn't committed the crime. Their punishment was well deserved in return for the deaths of 3,000 innocent Americans. It kept our enemy on the run without another attack on our country until just recently.
     Not just George Bush did what he had to do, he did it with the permission and approval from Congress! Why? He followed the requirements of our Constitution to the letter first, as all of our Presidents generally have. That is, until Barack Obama became President.
     Recently though, you'd have to be completely stupid to not know what this guy Obama has done and is, doing. In fact, if you still think he's right, you ARE stupid, and please quit insulting my level of intelligence  by reading on!!
     For the rest of you, I'll point out how the extremist Muslims are allowed to impress their Sharia law and force their will on all fronts in the world, including our homeland of the United States of America. First of all, they know they have the personal guaranteed protection of our own "Muslim/Atheist/Christian" President Barack Hussein Obama. And whenever they want it, the Muslim Brotherhood has it too. ( I know "Muslim/Atheist/Christian" doesn't make sense, and neither do I, but that's what he claims to be, depending on who he's preaching to.)
     I'm sure the Terrorists feel different now than Osama Bin Laden did. He knew there was going to be retaliation, but thought he would get away with it. He knows now whether there were 72 virgins waiting for his arrival.
     With these Muslims now, They KNOW they're going to be given free kicks at the Americans, and get away with little consequence. Underestimating the intelligence and independence the FBI has from the U.S. Presidency, The Terrorists didn't bother to run, thinking they wouldn't be caught. Unprepared and surprised, they were caught while on their way to Times Square to inflict further damage to America. It's Obama's display of complacency that clouded their thinking.
     Barack Obama didn't willingly kill Osama Bin Laden. We all know it was the fruit of the labors of 10 years of Espionage and Military Intelligence he hadn't yet gained control over. I believe he was told there was no choice.
     If you watch the whole operation as it happened, he appeared as though the group of Officials that entered behind him into the live-as-it-happened viewing room had convinced him he had no choice in the matter. He was distraught and appeared as though he had been dragged screaming and kicking to the closed door of the place before he re-grouped himself and then opened the door and entered, followed by his Aides. Just watch the video!!
    Once it was done, he was free to take the credit by stating, "I killed Bin Laden, It's over!" or something similar to that.
    His apparent cowardice and fear of Islam continually shows with each incident.
    It's clear he doesn't want us to be hostile to the Radical Muslims no matter what they do to offend us.
    There is no comparison between the Constitutional honor and Patriotism of George W. Bush and his loyalty to America, and the Anti-American, pro-Islamist Barack Hussein Obama. Just sayin'.

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