Saturday, April 6, 2013


Aside from this Country, there are no others who have made the ultimate sacrifice as severely as the Pioneers of the United States did to establish and protect the rights of each individual within it's sacred borders.
     For fear of Anarchy, Dictatorship or Monarchy ever happening again, the Founding Fathers painstakingly wrote up three (3) documents to protect us, as common citizens, from the threat of Tyranny.
     For 250 years we were guided by those documents and there's no one who can dispute that fact.
     They were so very carefully written that, no matter how educated, how uneducated, how intelligent, how simple, or how complicated each one of us is, we are still, under the administering of  those documents, one whole person in our own right, regardless. Basically, we are all as citizens, to be treated equal in accordance with those documents as written.
     Rightfully so. Remember, when the war of Independence was fought, our protectors fought as one and died as one. By so doing, all of that was carefully considered by our Great Founding Fathers in the drafting of The Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution and The Bill of Rights.
     So, no matter how imperfect our system may be, there is no other that's as good or better than ours' in this world, and I'll venture to say there never will be. No matter how the enemies of our Great Nation, those outside our borders or within them, have come down on us in their efforts to unseat our position in the world, they haven't accomplished it.
     In fact, the taste of true freedom was, and is so great, that we have in our unselfish desire for others to have the same freedom, gone to war to defend the rights of other Countries under attack by the Dictators of the World who would deny freedom to them. We did it simply because we understood how good it was to have it, and wished them to have it too!
     There will always be those among us who made up cowardly reasons to not have to join in that action and ran for refuge instead, claiming, "It's none of our concern!" We called them "Draft Dodgers" for lack of better words and they're still alive and well in our political system. It doesn't make them any less disloyal to the true cause of freedom. Because "Freedom isn't free!!" To this day, many of them still operate on everybody else's dime but their own.
     There will always be the ones with us who aren't up to the task of self defense and have the need for being protected. The rest of us can handle that part and understand it. That is, if they would only stand aside and let the job get done without interference and objection. The problem is, they don't.
     Now, due to the perfect storm of recessions and political upheavals around the World, the Communists and Marxists recognize it as their opportunity to attempt achieving power once again, with the political support of those same people.
     No longer does the Marxist and the Communist consider him or herself equal to the rest of us. Through the most devious means possible, they, as a Minority group, have placed themselves more than a 'cut above' the rest of us. First, by the misuse of their Constitutional rights, and at the same time depriving us of ours, they are charging ahead at full speed, thinking we can't do anything about it. They have us at one of our weakest moments. Just as they like to see us, sitting on our hands, wondering what to do next.
     They are attacking our Sacred Constitution after realizing that's what they have to do if they're going to take us down! And at the moment, they're nearing success, with the manipulation of the Justice system and the guessing of the outcome on Supreme Court decisions, when there really shouldn't be any guessing at all.
     Barack Obama is one of the main principles in those attacks. How hypocritical can he get?? If he truly was aiming for equality among humans in America, he would be encouraging the true intentions of our Sacred Documents to the 'underprivileged' so that they could pull themselves up by the bootstraps and desire to be independent of Gov't help. But it's the other way around!! It seems that every speech he makes, has the Devil somewhere in the details. He despises our way of life in America and the Constitution that protects us. Yet he's on a spending spree that's never going to quit unless our Congress seizes back the power he has unduly commanded.
     It's time we took our Country and it's principles back, and if we wait too long to do it, we may well be barefooted again in the process. Just sayin'.

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