Sunday, May 5, 2013


     There should be no other reason for Loyal, Constitution loving American Citizens to abide by the Constitution, other than just to refresh their memories of what it requires. Amendments have been made to clarify certain portions of it or to adjust to the positive changes of certain eras throughout the last 250 years or so. The Judeo /Christian style in which it was drawn up is written in a way that covers and fits the normal, American way of life.
     The Supreme Court of the United States of America was appointed to see to it that those rules be followed. Not to change them to suit any one "body of Individuals" frame of mind for the sake of  financial or political gain. "
     It wasn't written for the purpose of scrutiny by Groups who would read it to find devious ways of  eliminating it or going around what, when read properly, is quite clear. "Of the People, By the People and For the People,"
     "The Ten Commandments" were it's Guide, along with Judeo beliefs as well.
     When Immigrants who entered the Country swore to honor the Constitutional guidelines although they weren't forced to abandon there own beliefs, except of course, those traditions that are criminal or in violation of our set of laws here, such as the radical "Sharia law" of the Islamic world, they were welcomed in. But as the Immigrants became citizens, they swore to honor the nations rules.
     We are however, making a dangerous move by allowing Illegal Aliens presently here en masse to have amnesty, who have no knowledge of the sacred documents, no loyalties to them, carry their own flags and not ours, think it's already their country and have no intentions of swearing loyalty to it.
     That is dangerous, my friends! Particularly when we already have Atheistic minded Teachers and Professors here to greet and encourage them to think that way.
     It's also dangerous for the Supreme Court to let politics cloud their thinking on rules that are quite clear and have been in the past.
     Remember, that The Supreme Court is an appointed body, and not an elected one. Even though they aren't duly elected by the general population to change the laws, they appear to be looking for ways to sidestep the Oath of Allegiance in allowing it to happen in their quest to satisfy political agendas.
     Well then I'm sure everyone who reads my blogs will agree:
     No man or woman and I mean NO ONE, should be allowed by power, force or money, without the permission of the "Power of the People, by The People and For the People" to have the exclusive rights to own or control the affairs of this Country, or it's God loving Allies. That includes Warren Buffet, Atheist Billionaire George Soros, the Supreme Court and the "Wanna' be" Dictator Barack Obama.
     That's exactly what they have in mind, along with a bunch of other "greedy for power" Atheists.
     When the general populace votes for a Politician to represent their legal wishes, it's supposed to be a vote "By the People, Of the People and For the People" in accordance with the laws regarded in the Constitution. The Supreme Court isn't there to "change" the laws or to find a way around them. Something as serious as this should be voted on by the general populace in a special election, or at least by total Congressional consent.
     But they did it, in their decision on "Roe versus Wade" and "Obamacare.", they did just that and got away with it!
     Why?? Because they forgot what they're there for and for convenience sake and who knows what all else, allowed it to happen. THEY ALLOWED IT FOR POLITICAL MEANS!!
     Right at this time, our sacred Bill of Rights, Constitution and Declaration of Independence are being hijacked with the purpose of  destroying them and opening the floodgates of  Tyranny once they take our guns away that we personally protect ourselves with. That of course, is in violation of the 2nd Amendment.
     The way I see it right now is, we have an appointed group of people inside Gov't and outside, who for their own narcissistic purposes, have convinced themselves and each other that we, the general populace, aren't as smart as they are, so we need them to take away the "Power of The People" for our own good. Sorry folks, but one of the reasons I came to this country was because of the power of the Constitution to protect our civil rights. Their intentions for the future are not my way of thinking. Just sayin'.

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