Thursday, May 30, 2013


     The "Hidden" agenda of the obvious "Left" has become so apparent, it will be simple to realize who they are, by asking his supporters you talk to if they support Communism.
     There's no other direction they can express that could remotely want to makes them adverse to the present "Would be" Marxist Regime we have in power right now.
     In difference to the rest of us loyal followers of the Constitution, such as the rest of us are, would they denounce him by expressing they will not vote for him again. Their answer, no matter how illusive in avoiding the straight answer, "Yes" or "No", will mean, they most certainly will. There's no other way around it!!
     The difference between Totalitarianism (Communism) and a true Republic is too great for there to be any compromise between the two. Nor will we want to, since we already are, and have been the most successful, powerful Country in the world. Why on earth would we, as Loyal Constitutionalists want to change it?
     Except for personal, narcissistic reasons such as they have, and their desire to convince themselves they are a cut above the rest of us in brilliance, (Which we know they're not) why would we allow them to want to change our system either?
     They can lie to you about what Obama really meant by mis-speaking what he says publicly or privately in his double talking speeches, twist it and turn it in any direction they can to make you think he meant something else, but if you have the ability to think just a little bit more reasonably than people on the Left do, you'll know they are Communistic minded, and will never change their mind about voting for the Marxist, Communist cause. Disguise it, yes. Admit it, No!
     We Conservatives, Independents and Tea Party people need to ask them a direct question. "Are you a Communist at heart?"
     Don't be afraid to ask it!! If they say anything else but "No", (except for those who still swirl in naivety and feel, because their parents voted "Left" that they should too) you will know they are!!
     Remember this! Although the Obama Regime managed to get themselves re-elected in 2012, it was only through giving America's wealth away prior to the election to the "Up to 20 million Illegals" in this country, promising "Amnesty", and encouraging them to vote illegally, including a great amount of falsified votes, that they got back in. As I understand it, without swearing Allegiance to our flag as well.
     Tell me, what does that allow them to do? Think about it!!
     If those weaknesses in not demanding proper I.D. are allowed to exist prior to 2014, it's gonna' happen again! Such as some voters voting 3 to 4 times in different precincts.
     I'm positive the legally registered voters are not in favor of Communism. Even though they have changed the reference from "Democratic" to Progressive", it is truly a soft way of saying "Communism." There is nothing that even symbolizes Progress, for goodness sakes!!
     I venture to say this to anyone reading my blogs; If you aren't watching "FOX NEWS", Channel 48, you are not getting the whole truth in News.
     On any other National station,(The Main Media) you may get the truth, but not all of it as you deserve.
     Not only are they wanting the absence of the Constitution, but along with it, the absence of God.
     Do something as you're talking with your children at dinnertime. Ask them who attend Public schools, when was the last time they heard their teacher mention God?
     Don't let the teachers tell you "Separation of Church and State" applies because it does not, and should not, apply to schools. Neither should politics. Just sayin'.

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