Tuesday, July 9, 2013


     The facts and the truth are coming out, and coming out as the Obama  Regime and their Special Interest backers never thought they would.
     It's almost comical to watch this guy as the leaks are coming so "Fast and Furious". (Pun intended).
     There's an old saying that I heard and learned from; "What goes around, comes around." I learned it years ago and I have to smile sometimes when I see it happen. It's so true!!
     It's a strange thing about the truth. You can disguise it, hide it, run from it and even pretend you're telling it, but sooner or later it will be there, staring you in the face! How embarrassing it might be, will depend on how badly it affects someone else, not necessarily you.
     When talking or thinking about it, I often remember the old T.V. series, "Friday". He was the star detective who had the habit of saying, "Just the facts, Ma'am, just the facts!"
     Anyway, although Barack Obama may undisputedly be the best, or at least the most popular speaker in the world at the present time, he has the greatest ungodly habit of not telling the truth!
     Everything about the man is devious. i.e.,
     When he studied the Constitution and related Documents, it was to become a scholar at knowing it. But, it wasn't his purpose to honor it and interpret it as it "matter-of-factly" reads, but to do just the opposite to that. It was to manufacture a means to disgrace and dishonor it in order to destroy it in the future. Simply by misinterpreting it to his shameful followers.
     When he set out to run for President, he spoke as though "A different Direction" was good for everybody, by "taking from the rich, and giving to the poor."
     But being trusty souls, we didn't realize that he meant taking from the honest, hardworking taxpayer who packed a lunch every day,
 and giving it to someone else who didn't. ( They aren't paying taxes on it either, by the way!)
     "Redistribution of Wealth" is what he calls it.
     "We will pass the Bills, and then we'll see what's in them."That statement by Nancy Pelosi was so astoundingly stupid, that I'm not even going to be stupid enough to try to understand it! "Stupid is, as stupid does"
     One dumb action or statement after the other, until the "Fast and furious" scandal popped up in the "Eric Holder" version of the Dept. of Justice.
     After the shooting death of a U.S. Border Agent in 2010 by one of the Mexican drug Cartels, it was found that Eric Holder's people had previously "Under the table" or through the Black Market, sold thousands of illegal assault weapons to the Cartels. That's a fact!! It was leaked by an undercover Agent in their Dept.
It was proven that one of those guns was used to commit the murder.
     Their excuse was, "We were trying to find out who the Drug Cartel members were."
     The question is obvious. How did they manage to sell to them if they didn't know who they were?
     It's such a weak minded excuse, and if it wasn't so tragic and untrue, it would be laughable. In fact, "Please laugh!!"
     Kind'a looks to me like they were looking for a little extra pocket change until their real "ship" came in, don't you think? (Come on now!!!)
     Their ship did come in eventually, with the "Solyndra" Solar Panel Company, when  no one could find out where all the Stimulus money went, and couldn't be accounted for. Never did find out, did we??
     I wonder if that may be their secret code? ("Ill tell you something, but believe it's the opposite!)
     So if you think they haven't been telling you anything, you might be wrong! Just sayin'.


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