Friday, August 23, 2013


      How much plainer does it have to be? With every subversive move, they ignore our Sacred Three Documents. And with the boldness of some mysterious assurance to themselves and that co- ordinated grin at every objection we have, skirt around our basic rights, as though they know for sure they're going to win.
     Just where does that self-assurance originate from?
     How have they managed so far, to fool the United States of America into thinking it's only in another, better, direction?
     Well, it's time to wake up, America! Through the lingering fog of deviousness, it's high time to realize we are facing the very same enemy we have defended against ever since the Cold War with Russia began in 1946. Only this time, and more seriously, from within!
     We defended and lost tens of thousands of American Noble warriors, (50,000 plus) in the "forgotten" war against Russian-Chinese backed North Korea. There's no doubt the reason. The Communist North Koreans were attacking our Ally, Democratic South Korea. The reason? Because of their Communistic politics, North Korea was out of someone else's money and were in need of South Korea' s wealth. It was as simple as that! We were helping to defend Democracy.
     There were some folks in America, obviously not a lot, that were the usual "conscientious objectors" who for the sake of non-violence and other political ideas, protested the war.
     Then the Vietnam conflict began. Once again, Communist North Vietnam attacked Democratic South Vietnam for the same reasons. Again, the United States went to war hoping to save Democracy for the South Vietnamese. The cost, another 58,000 U.S. troops!
     For not the first time, the same group of "Conscientious Objectors" and their offspring took off to the hills to avoid the draft, migrating to the Northwest San Juan Islands, Canada and the United Kingdom. Bill Clinton was one of them!
     All the while reaping the benefits of the freedom they had due to our War of Independence in the first place.
     Once the nasty war ended, they emerged from their hiding places, with some of them having converted to homosexuality due to their overwhelming need to satisfy their private parts.
     Yoga became popular!
     Some became doctors, some lawyers and some faded into the teaching profession and the Justice system. All the while, hiding their deep, dark secret, that at the time was illegal.
     Aids began to rear it's ugly head as they spread it through the Gay communities, and is still promoted by them today.
     Unaware of the disease being spread to the opposite sex, many women have contracted the disease from these bisexual offenders and died of it as a result. The homosexuals can deny it, but it'll be just another lie.
      It was commonly felt by the self serving narcissists of the Country that our efforts were for not, while the most of the population felt it was done in good faith, and worth it in the name of Democracy for others that wanted to experience the freedom we do.
     But they remained operating from the shadows, hiding behind one religion or another, and clinging to their one common belief. Getting by at someone else's expense, and as long as they could enjoy it, regardless of any dedication to their Country.
     That belief has vigorously held them together through thick and thin.
     The other belief was Atheism. With no faith in God, they have secretly joined the ranks of the current President of the United States, Barack Obama. He feigns religion, is truly an Atheist but fears the wrath in store for him if he openly abandons the radical, Islamic faith. ( Born a Muslim, always a Muslim, otherwise death.)
     The ultimate man of mystery, is finally showing his true colors and hatred for what we like to refer to as, "The American Way".
     The Chicago gang he hired mostly all have Atheist ties rather than religious ones.
     Hence their seething hatred for the Judeo/Christian Sacred  documents our Great Founding Fathers created to protect us from their very kind.
     They can make up excuses for, be it because of certain benefits to them, or just because it's more convenient to believe there is no God for the moment to suit their short-sighted purposes. It really doesn't matter anymore. Because there can't be any other goal for them in mind.
     By the way, you can fool many for the moment, but you can't fool God, now can you?
     They are our enemy from within, and they're running out of someone else's money.
     Watch out, America! Communism is on it's way. 
     Just ask them. Should they deny it, demand an explanation for their nonsensical behavior, and see what they say.  Just sayin'.

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